Manuscript Summary:Following Aeschylus (Seven Against Thebes) and Sophocles (Oedipus the King, Euripides sought to treat the Theban myth in a new way in his writing. The first pages of this manuscript, copied around the end of the 15th century on paper, lay out the plot summary of the work, call to mind the prophecy about Oedipus and the riddle of the Sphinx, and then present the list of characters. The page following the transcription of the work also presents a summary of Sophocles's Oedipus the King and thus alludes to the relationship between these two masterpieces of the ancient theater.(jos)
Standard description: Notes préparatoires, publiées ici à la demande de la Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Notice complète parue dans : Patrick Andrist, Manuscrits grecs de la Fondation Martin Bodmer. Étude et catalogue scientifique, Catalogues Bodmer 8, Basel 2016, p. 89-94.
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Online Since: 06/02/2010
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 64
Paper · 2 + 71 + 2 ff. · 21 x 14.3 cm · end of the 15th century
Euripides, Phoinissae
How to quote:
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 64, f. 71v – Euripides, Phoinissae (
Notes préparatoires, publiées ici à la demande de la Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Notice complète parue dans : Patrick Andrist, Manuscrits grecs de la Fondation Martin Bodmer. Étude et catalogue scientifique, Catalogues Bodmer 8, Basel 2016, p. 89-94.
Manuscript title: Euripides, Phoinissae
Date of origin: S. XV (fin)
Former shelfmark:
olim Phillipps 3086
olim Drury 140
olim Meerman 4.296
olim Claromontanus 302
Support: Papier
(2) 71 (2)
Format: 210 x 143 mm
Page layout:
1 col. – 13 lignes.
(f. 1r-v)
Euripidis: Phoinissarum argumentum
cum oraculo, sphingis aenigmate, aenigmatis explicatione et indice personarum.
(f. 1r-v sup.)
argumentum. – Sine tit. – Inc.
Ἐτεοκλῆς παραλαβὼν τὴν θηβαίων βασιλείαν.
– Des.
χωλοποιήσας [sic] οὐδὲ παρὰ δυστυχίαν ἐλεήσας.
Ed. PhoinissaeD. J. Mastronarde, Leipzig 1988, Teubner, p. 2, 3.
(f. 1v med. sup.)
– Tit.
– Inc.
Λάιε Λαβακίδη [sic] .
– Des.
στυγεραῖς σοι τάδε πάντα
Ed. Mastronarde, p. 5-7.
(f. 1v med. med.)
sphingis aenigma.
– Tit.
– Inc.
ἔστι δίπουν.
– Des.
ἀφαυρότατον πέλει αὐτοῦ
Origin of the manuscript: Manuscrit tiré d’un volume divisé en quatre parties, dont faisaient partie les Bodmeriani3 et 64, cf.
Sosower, A Greek Codex
Bibliotheca Meermanniana sive Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum et codicum manuscriptorum … quorum publica fiet auctio die vii sqq. Junii anni MDCCCXXIV, 4 t., Den Haag [1824]. – Cf. t. 4, p. 46 n. 296.
Catalogue of Forty-two Manuscripts of the 7th to the 17th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Days of Sale: Tuesday 25 November 1969…, Bibliotheca Phillippica, Medieval Manuscripts, n. s. 3, London 1967. – Cf. p. 91-92, lot 116.
Catalogue of Manuscripts on Papyrus, Vellum and Paper of the 13th century B. C. to the 18th century A. D. From the Celebrated Collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). 25 November 1969, Bibliotheca Phillippica, Medieval Manuscripts, n. s. 5, London 1969. – Cf. p. 85-86, lot 474.
Catalogue of Manuscripts on Papyrus, Vellum and Paper of the 7th century to the 18th century from the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872). The property of the Trustees… Tuesday, 30th November 1971…, Bibliotheca Phillippica, Medieval Manuscripts, n. s. 6, London 1971. – Cf. p. 91-92, lot 519.
Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps, Bart., Middle-Hill 1837. Réimpr. avec intro. de A. N. L. Munby, Londres 1968. – Cf. p. 35, n° 3086 (première occurrence).
Clement F., Oudard-Feudrix De Bréquigny Louis-Georges, Catalogus manuscriptorum codicum collegii Claromontani, Paris 1764, "apud Saugrin … Leclerc". – Cf. p. 96.
Sosower, Marc L., A Greek Codex of Sir Thomas Phillipps Once in the Clermont Library, Syllecta Classica 2, Iowa City (Ia.) 1990, p. 95-102.
Turyn, Alexander, The Byzantine Manuscript Tradition of the Tragedies of Euripides, Illinois Studies in Language and Literatur 43, Urbana (Il.) 1957, réimpr. Studia philologica 16, Roma 1970. – Cf. p. 387.