Tauler, Johannes (ca. 1300-1361)

This manuscript, in a strikingly narrow format, was created in Mainz and, as a gift from the Carthusians living there, it later came to the Carthusian monastery of Basel. It contains a large number of short and very short texts: in addition to some sermons, it mainly contains excerpts from theological, church historical and political treatises, including some in German.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
- Tauler, Johannes: Novem status sive profectus spiritales (34v-35r)
Incipit: In libro de ix rubipus designantur ix status sive profectus hominum ad deum tendentes
Explicit: domini locutum est
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: De triplici profectu spirituali (35v)
Incipit: Ex libro x. sermonum dominicalium in estate des Tauwelers. Nu wollen wir sagen von drin greten. Die mag der mensche haben in dem nydersten, in dem mittelsten oder in dem obersten grate
Explicit: und da in glicher gelaszenheit, daz ist liebe, und nit als die lůde wenent
Found in:
Standard description - Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Caesarius, Heisterbacensis (Author) | Cassianus, Johannes (Author) | Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Author) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Galfredus, de Vinosalvo (Author) | Gratianus, de Clusio (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius, Nazianzenus (Author) | Groote, Geert (Author) | Grosseteste, Robertus (Author) | Guilelmus, Parisiensis (Author) | Henricus, de Calcar (Author) | Henricus, de Langenstein (Author) | Hildegard, von Bingen, Heilige (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Johannes, Damascenus (Author) | Johannes, Zotzenheim (Author) | Konrad, von Soltau (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Prosper, de Aquitania (Author) | Remigius, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) Found in: Standard description

This volume, originally from Ludwig Moser's private book collection (cf. note of ownership 2r) came to the Basel University Library as part of the holdings of the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. It contains various theological texts in German, beginning with a version of Wilhelm Textoris' Migrale vel Ars moriendi (Sterbebuch, a book on the art of dying), which Moser himself translated into German. This is followed by Henry Suso's "Büchlein von der Wahrheit”, Thomas Peuntner's "Büchlein von der Liebe Gottes”, and several sermons by Johannes Tauler and Meister Eckhart.
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Tauler, Johannes: Predigt (210r-213v) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes: Predigt (218r-221r) Found in: Standard description
- Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelhart, von Ebrach (Author) | Guilelmus, Textor (Author) | Kress, Thomas (Scribe) | Loy, Johannes (Scribe) | Moser, Ludwig (Scribe) | Moser, Ludwig (Translator) | Peuntner, Thomas (Author) | Seuse, Heinrich (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Zscheckenbürlin, Hieronymus (Librarian) Found in: Standard description

This slim volume belonged to Remigius Faesch (1595-1667), jurist and rector of the University of Basel; together with his vast collection of art and curios, the book became part of the university library in the 1820s. As noted by Remigius Faesch in his catalog under the Libri manuscripti in 4º antiqui, the codex contains “Etliche Teutsche Sermon unn Predigen”, mostly by the Dominican preacher and mystic Johannes Tauler (1300-1361).
Online Since: 10/10/2019
- Tauler, Johannes: Tauler, Johannes : Predigten Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes: Sermon von einem grossen Namen (1r-4v)
Incipit: David spricht: Seyn name yz alleyne vorhoet. Keyn dynck isz gote mehe entkegen den wellen eynen groszen namen czw haben. Wen der propheta sagt andersz woe: Herre reynige mich von meynen heymelichen sunden. Das isz von begerunge eynen groszen namen czw han. Und hy seyn gefallen alle wirker der bosheyt. Und vorlestu nicht dysen namen, got syet nicht off alle deyn dynk wy gut isz auch sey
Explicit: Dasz wyr nu gotes namen alleyne vorheben und eren und nicht unssen namen sunder dasz wyr uns czw rechte alhye vorkleynen mit worer gelossenheyt, desz helffe unsz got, amen.
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Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Predigt von den Söhnen Gottes (4v-7r)
Incipit: Ich habe gesprochen: Ir seyt gotes und kynder desz hochsten gotes desz koniges. Der do wil seyn eyn zon gotes der sol den leuthen fremdt seyn und sich selber ferre und ynwenigk und lauter. Und sol han eyn geneyget gemuthe yn über getilgtem czw gothe
Explicit: [6v] Dasz seyn dy waren gerechten menschen dy do gote getrawen und anhangen yn dem geyste und yn [7r] der worheyt das wyr alle kynder gotes werden vorley uns got, amen.
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Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermon de conversione (7r-11r)
Incipit: Bekerstu dich Jsrael so bekere dich. Unszer liber herre had dyse awsz allen geschlechten erwelet den her vil guttes that und noch mer gelobete czw geben wer isz das [über der Zeile nachgetragen: sy] sich heyl czw ym kerten und nicht noch volgeten der weyse andern gheschlechten dy do lebeten noch irer synlicher lust yn fynsterkeyt und blyntheyt yres herczen
Explicit: Nymant sey sicher addyr küne eyn iczlich sehe czw mit den forchten, wy wol isz mit ym [auf dem Rand nachgetragen: isz addc] sey her vorlasst sich nicht dor odd unde wy zere her gefallen ist addir hot geyrreth alleyne her kere widder isz stehet noch alle gut roth czw zo lange alsz got den menschen schonet. Dasz unsz dysz geschee gunne uns got, amen.
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Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermon von der wahren Bekehrung (11r-16r)
Incipit: O got unsze selickeyt bekere uns. Got isz barmherczigk uber seyne menschen und hoeret nicht off sy czw bekeren wolden sy anders seynen guden eyngebungen volgen. Etliche ruffet her czwr bekerunge mit kranckeyt addyr mit armüth addyr mit velem weddyrstandes dy her ubyr sy vorhenget. Etliche mit lerunge mit guden exempel der fromen menschen
Explicit: Ich lebe myr nw nicht besundern Christus lebet yn myr. Das wyr alszo bekert werden helffe uns got, amen.
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Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermon von den Jungfrauen (17r-19r)
Incipit: Eyne köstliche perle hat sy gefunden, sy hot gegeben alle yr eygen gut und hot sy geköffth. Das ist yn eyme synne dy iuncfraw godes. Ere reynickeyt hot sy gote czw hulden alle dyngk vorlossen, alleyne dysse edele perle ym czw vorwarn
Explicit: Seth nw kompt das erste awsz wasz dasz isz godes leyden czw dancken, dorczw kompt eyn mensch der sych ersten sympel czw dem leyden Iesu Christi keret myt seynem gedencken, dornoch komet her das czw lyben myt bitterkeyt, das vorleye uns auch Cristus Iesus, amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Predigt von Simon und Juda (19r-21r)
Incipit: Wer mich lybet spricht dy worheyt der helt meyne geboth. Dy lybe ist das allyr süsthe und gnüglichste nach eer czw sprechen sunder sy isz süsser czw schmecken. Nu geböt got seynen lybhabbern das sy yn sallen lyeb haben myt halden seyner gebot. Wenne wer offenbar brycht seyne gebot, der lybet got nicht und das yst allen leuthen offynbar das got hasset dy mensche dy yn sunden leben
Explicit: und ab wyr dasz nicht an nehemen awsz eygenem an nehemen sunder ausz gotlicher bekerunge alszo nw gerurt ist, das vorley unsz got, amen.
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Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermo de natali domini (29v-30v)
Incipit: Von dyszen worthen yst czw weylen wol gesprochen ane weysze und weghe das vorstehn vyel leuthe nicht sunder nehemen ysz an mit den awswenigen synnen und werden vorgiftige menschen, und dorumbe ys besser das man myt weysze und wege dorczw komme. Nu was seyn dy wege und weyse do man durch dor czw kommet czw der lautersten und vollenkomsten warheyt. Unszer herre hot sanct Johannes geczogen myt dreyen weyszen und myt den czevt her auch alle mensche dy czw der negesten warheyt sullen kommen
Explicit: welcher tode eynem iczlichen sunderlich eyn ewigk leben antwort das wyl addyr nicht yn eyme tage gescheen noch yn eyme iore. Und vorschrecket nicht ys nympt czeyt und hyrczw gehort eynfeldickeyt und lauterkeyt addyr reynickeyt und gelassenheyt. Das ist der allyr volkomester wegk. Den gebe uns got, amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermon von der rechten Andacht (31r-32v)
Incipit: Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Deyn ouge yst eyne lucerna deynes leybes. Lyben kynder isz seyn viel dy do geystlich werden genometh und eynen geystlichen scheyn tragen und vil unordentliche dyngk angreyffen mit groszer ubenunge dor methe sy andersz hoffen czw werden von gnaden den sy seyn von natura als mit vasten wachen bethen und viel byechten und das sacrament vach czw empfaen
Explicit: das wyr addyr nw unsz alle mogen czw rechter andacht geben. Das helffe uns got, amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Sermon von einer Jungfrau (32v-34v)
Incipit: Ich habe vorschmet das reych der werlit und alle czyrheyt dorynne umbe dy libe meynes herren Iesu Christi. Eyne juncfraw behaget gothe nicht, ysz sey denne das sy vorschmet das reych der werlit und alle ere czyrheyt und das ist von hochvertickeyt awswenigk yn etteler ehre den leuten behagen mit czyrheyt czeytlicher dynger
Explicit: Och neyn isz ist er wille off dasz sy in otmuettickeyt jo was czw leyden habe das wyr alszo den iuncfrawlichen standt mogen halden. Dasz helffe uns got, amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Faesch, Remigius (Former possessor) | Huber, Daniel (Librarian) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

The oldest surviving collection of German sermons by the Strasbourg Dominican and mystic Johannes Tauler (1300-1361) from the year 1359. Probably produced in Strasbourg.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Tauler, Johannes: Sermones idiomate germanico concepti (1-198)
Incipit: Primus sermo acephalus incipit: Vnd minnent sich selber, vnd das ir in allen dingen, vnd sint hofertig vnd vngelossen.
Found in:
Standard description - Gottwald, Benedikt (Annotator) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes: Johannes Tauler, Predigten. Found in: Additional description
- Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Additional description
- Gottwald, Benedikt (Annotator) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Additional description

This codex contains the first five books of the Liber specialis gratiae by Mechthild von Hackeborn; books 6 and 7 are missing. On p. 3 there is also a fragment of the Epistola de Ihesu Christo by Ps.-Lentulus Romanus de Judea. The notes on p. 224, which name Johannes Tauler and Konrad (in the codex: Johannes) of Prussia as previous owners, suggest an origin in a Dominican environment. In the 15th century, this manuscript belonged to Ulrich Varnbüler (brother of Angela Varnbüler, who was prioress of the Dominican Convent St. Katharina in St. Gall from 1476-1509; mayor/imperial vogt of St. Gall 1481-1490).
Online Since: 06/23/2016
- Tauler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Buchegger, Franz Eduard (Librarian) | Conradus, de Prussia (Former possessor) | Lentulus (Author) | Mechthild, von Hackeborn (Author) | Morel, Gallus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Scherrer, Gustav (Librarian) | Tauler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Buchegger, Franz Eduard (Librarian) | Conradus, de Prussia (Former possessor) | Lentulus (Author) | Mechthild, von Hackeborn (Author) | Morel, Gallus (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Scherrer, Gustav (Librarian) | Tauler, Johannes (Former possessor) Found in: Additional description

This composite manuscript likely is from Rhenish Franconia or from the Upper Rhine area and came into the possession of the Abbey of St. Gall in 1699, probably from the Convent of Poor Clares in Freiburg im Breisgau (like, for example, Cod. Sang. 985). The manuscript contains a large number of different sermons and mystical-ascetic texts, especially from the 13th and 14th centuries. Among them are, for instance, the treatise Von der Minne (pp. 7−19) attributed to Johannes Hiltalingen from Basel, the so-called sünde-version of the pseudo-Albert work Paradisus animae (pp. 62−68 and pp. 195−196), ten sermons passed down under the name of Bertold of Regensburg (pp. 70−104), the interpretation of the Lord's Prayer Adonay, gewaltiger herre (pp. 109−192), or the allegory Es ist ein hoher Berg (pp. 211−250) attributed to Johannes Tauler.
Online Since: 06/22/2017
- Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Bertholdus, Ratisbonensis (Author) | Johannes, de Basilea (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

This composite manuscript in Northeastern Swiss-Alemannic dialect was probably written for the community of the sisters of St. Georgen above St. Gall; it contains numerous shorter and longer texts by known and unknown authors, among them: pp. 1−106: Thomas à Kempis, 3rd book of the Imitatio Christi; pp. 106−123: Bonaventure, excerpts from the work De triplici via; pp. 124−126: preacher of St. Georgen, sermon Geistliche Blume; pp. 126−134: Meister Eckhart (attributed), treatise Von der Vollkommenheit; pp. 135−166: Johannes Tauler, sermon on Mt 13,8 and other sermon excerpts; pp. 167−181: two anonymous sermons Vom Leiden und Meiden; pp. 184−259: treatise from the “Schwester Katrei"; pp. 259−268 anonymous didactic dialog with Timothy's questions to Paul; pp. 271−372: Johannes of Neumarkt, excerpts from the 3rd so-called Jerome letter; pp. 377−407: Marquard of Lindau, Job-treatise; pp. 409−434 and pp. 472−481 (wrongly bound together by a bookbinder): Das Buch des Lebens by an anonymous author; pp. 435−442: excerpts from Meister Wichwolt (Cronica Alexandri des grossen Königs); pp. 446−448: Ps.-Bertold of Regensburg, Bertold's ten lessons for a spiritual sister. About half of the texts were written by the Reformist monk Friedrich Kölner from Hersfeld, who was active at St. Gall Abbey from 1430 until 1436; the other parts were written in the 15th century by three other hands.
Online Since: 03/17/2016
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Bertholdus, Ratisbonensis (Author) | Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Friedrich, Kölner (Scribe) | Johannes, von Neumarkt (Author) | Marquard, von Lindau (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Thomas, von Kempen (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Bertholdus, Ratisbonensis (Author) | Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Friedrich, Kölner (Scribe) | Johannes, von Neumarkt (Author) | Marquard, von Lindau (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Thomas, von Kempen (Author) Found in: Additional description

Around 1500, this composite manuscript of theological-mystical content, which may have originated in Northern Bavaria and have been completed in the area of Lake Constance, was the property of the spiritual community of Franciscan sisters at the lower hermitage (Untere Klause) of St. Leonhard, west of the city of St. Gall, which was dissolved in the wake of the Reformation. This volume contains more than thirty mostly anonymous sermons, treatises and excerpts of treatises of Dominican character. Among them are Eberhard Mardach's open letter Von wahrer Andacht (pp. 83–116), a sermon by Johannes Tauler (pp. 129−156), the treatise Liebhabung Gottes an den Feiertagen by Thomas Peuntner from the year 1434 (pp. 232−237), excerpts from the Auslegung der zehn Gebote by Marquard of Lindau (pp. 238–245), the beginning of the prologue and three chapters of the anonymous Theologia deutsch (also called Der Frankfurter; pp. 287–297) that was published in print in its entirety for the first time by Martin Luther in 1518, as well as excerpts from a German version of Der Minnebaum (Arbor amoris; pp. 323–331), which differs significantly from other manuscripts.
Online Since: 06/22/2017
- Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Mardach, Eberhard (Author) | Marquard, von Lindau (Author) | Peuntner, Thomas (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

The manuscript is entirely copied by the Hersfeld reform monk Friedrich Kölner, who was active in the monastery of St. Gall from 1430 to 1436. Among other things, he took over the spiritual care of the women's community of St. Georgen. The manuscripts written by him, of which twelve survive, were produced chiefly for this group of recipients, and this can be assumed for the present manuscript, which is in a handy octavo-format. It contains an extensive sermon cycle, introduced by a sermon presumably by Rulmann Merswin (pp. 2–22: Leben Jesu / Von der geistlichen Spur), which Kölner ascribes to Johannes Tauler (the same combination of texts can be found in Cod. Sang. 1067). The forty sermons that follow are actually by Tauler (pp. 22–557). Under the rubric Von der drivaltikait on pp. 134–147 appears the pseudo-Eckhartian composite treatise Von dem anefluzze des vaters. Tauler's Lenten discourses are missing; instead Kölner refers to two letters by Johannes von Schoonhoven. Although these are not contained in the present volume, they are available in Kölner's own translation in St. Katharina in Wil, Klosterarchiv, Cod. M 47, another manuscript that Kölner probably wrote for the women in St. Georgen. The single-column manuscript is densely written and thoroughly rubricated. The unadorned binding was restored in 1992; the book block shows signs of numerous medieval reparations as well.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Tauler, Johannes: Tractat von der geistlichen Spur; Vierzig Predigten von Tauler Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Friedrich, Kölner (Scribe) | Rulman, Merswin (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

This manuscript, which originated probably in 1484 in the Convent of the Dominican Sisters of St. Katharina in St. Gall, constitutes the first (remaining) half-volume of a collection which, as indicated in the table of contents, originally comprised 151 sermons, organized according to the church year, and in all likelihood meant to be read daily at mealtime. Among others, it contains sermons by Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Nikolaus von Straßburg, Rudolf Goltschlacher, Meister Wilhelm, Felix Fabri (?), Jordan von Quedlinburg and several from the corpus of the „St. Georgener“ and „Engelberger Predigten“. Remarkably, regarding the inventory of “Engelberger Predigten”, Cod. Sang. 1066 is exactly complementary to Cod. Sang. 1919 and Wil M 42, which also originated in the Convent of the Dominican sisters of St. Katharina in St. Gall. Cod. Sang. 1919 and Wil M 42 are directly or indirectly based on the same model *C to which also cod. Sang. 1004 and Wil M 47, created 50 years ealier in the St. Gall Benedictine Monastery, owe their selection of Engelberger Predigten; in contrast, Cod. Sang. 1066 is based on a manuscript from text group *Y3, close also to Cod. 752(746) from the library of the Benedictine Monastery of Einsiedeln.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Tauler, Johannes: Predigt Vetter Nr. 60e (286vb-289bisva)
Incipit: (287ra) Sy sind all erfúllt mit dem hailgen gaist vnd begundent sprechen die grossen ding gottes Lieben kind es ist der minniklich tag dz der edel túr schatz
Explicit: Dz vns dz alles beschech des helff vns got Amen
Found in:
Standard description - David, de Augusta (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelberger, Prediger (Author) | Fabri, Felix (Author) | Goltschlacher, Rudolf (Author) | Iordanus, de Quedlinburgo (Author) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Nicolaus, de Argentina (Author) | Otto, von Passau (Author) | Sankt Georgener, Prediger (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Wilhelm, Meister (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Nicolaus, de Argentina: Predigten von Nicol. von Strassburg (X), Rudolph Goltschlacher (I), Ekart (II), Tauler (II) und vielen Ungenannten. - Traktat vom Gebet. - 'In gottes namen farend wir' (17 Verse). Found in: Additional description
- David, de Augusta (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelberger, Prediger (Author) | Fabri, Felix (Author) | Goltschlacher, Rudolf (Author) | Iordanus, de Quedlinburgo (Author) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Nicolaus, de Argentina (Author) | Otto, von Passau (Author) | Sankt Georgener, Prediger (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Wilhelm, Meister (Author) Found in: Additional description

This folio-volume contains an extensive sermon cycle, introduced by a sermon presumably by Rulmann Merswin (ff. 1ra–5vb: Leben Jesu / Von der geistlichen Spur), which here is ascribed to Tauler (as in Cod. Sang. 1015). The sermons that follow (ff. 5vb–235ra) are actually by Tauler. On ff. 85va–93va, under the rubric Von der drivaltikait, is the pseudo-Eckhartian composite treatise Von dem anefluzze des vaters; on ff. 235ra–241va are four letters of Henry Suso (Letters 3, 4, 6 and 7 of the Little Book of Letters), followed by another sermon. The manuscript, arranged in two columns, is carefully written, corrected in many places, and rubricated throughout. Each sermon is introduced by an ornate initial, usually five lines high, with very simple red and blue pen flourishes; a few initials are someone larger and more elaborately presented (e.g., f. 190vb). Well preserved late-fifteenth-century leather binding with decorative lines, five bosses on each side (only one on the back is missing) and two clasps. Two owner's marks on the front pastedown attest to the ownership of the book by the sisters of St. Leonhard cloister, and later by those of St. Georgen in St. Gall.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Tauler, Johannes: ’s Predigten (LXI) mit Register Found in: Standard description
- Rulman, Merswin (Author) | Seuse, Heinrich (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

A collection of religious writings from the Dominican cloister of St. Katherina in St. Gall, written in the second half of the 15th century by the hand of an experienced woman scribe. The volume transmits a great number of sermon texts in versions important to textual history. It contains, among other things, seven so-called Engelberger Predigten, the oldest copy of Version B of the work De Nabuchodonosor by Marquard of Lindau († 1392), ten sermons by Johannes Tauler († 1361), an account of the life, works, and miracles of St. Dominic taken from the work Der Heiligen Leben, a tract attributed to Meister Eckhart: Vom klösterlichen Leben, and religious epigrams.
Online Since: 12/19/2011
- Engelberger, Prediger: Deutsche Predigten («Engelberger Prediger», Johannes Tauler) • Geistliche Lehren • Geistliche Parabeln Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes: Predigt zu Weihnachten (247-263)
Incipit: Der tailler hat dis gebreget von der gebvrt ihesv christi an dem hailgen tag. Man begat hv́t in der hailgen cristenhait drierlai gebvrt in der ietlicher ain ietlich cristen mensch als gross waid vnd wonn soͤlt nemen
Explicit: das wir war gaistlich mvotren werdind das helf v́ns got amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes: Predigten (425-535) Found in: Standard description
- Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelberger, Prediger (Author) | Marquard, von Lindau (Author) | Nicolaus, de Lyra (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description

This manuscript, written by the Benedictine Friedrich Kölner and meant for the Hermitage of St. George, contains, among others: a translation of the letters of Jan van Schoonhoven, which survive only in this manuscript; a sermon by Tauler (Vetter no. 70); and excerpts from Chapter 49 of the Vita by Henry Suso. In addition, it transmits several of the “Engelberger Predigten“, thus completing the collection contained in Cod. Sang. 1004. It bears mentioning that both of these manuscripts are based on an earlier model, to which also the manuscripts Cod. Sang. 1919 and Wil M 42, which were created 50 years later, owe their (complementary) selection of “Engelberger Predigten“. In the fold of the twelfth quire (set of sheets), there can be found remnants of a two-columned, rubricated German parchment manuscript from the first half/middle of the 13th century.
Online Since: 10/07/2013
- Tauler, Johannes: Predigt Vetter Nr. 70 (40r-44r)
Incipit: Sant paulus sprichet Brueder jch bit uch gebuondner jn got Bit uch dz ir wirdiklichen wandelent jn dem rueffe als ir geruffet sint mit aller demuetikait
Explicit: Dz vns nun got allen gebe jm ze volgent mit vbung der tugend des helff vns got Amen.
Found in:
Standard description - Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Friedrich, Kölner (Scribe) | Hartmann, von Aue (Author) | Johannes, de Schonhavia (Author) | Seuse, Heinrich (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) Found in: Standard description