Sub-project: Digitization of all of the medieval manuscripts from Hermetschwil Convent
February - November 2016
Status: Completed
Financed by: swissuniversities
Description: The manuscripts of the Benedictine nuns’ Convent of Hermetschwil were digitized by e-codices in 2016, when the collection returned to the convent from its previous location in Sarnen. All 56 medieval manuscripts have now been published on e-codices. Regarding the manuscripts’ migrations, please see the newsletter on the completion of the project From Sarnen to Hermetschwil: a 170-year odyssey.
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As its first, larger part, this book contains a print: Hortulus animae, Lyon: Johannes Clein for Anton Koberger, 1513. Joined to this is a collection of private prayers. The manuscript is from a convent of Dominican nuns.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript is dated to 1461; it contains a version of Jacobus de Teramo's Belial in High Alemannic. It is listend in the register of books of Hermetschwil Abbey.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript was written at an unknown date by Johannes Künlin. It contains the Latin incipits of each Sunday’s Gospel reading along with sermons in German. In the middle there is the Dekalogerklärung by Marquard of Lindau.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript, a plenarium, was donated to Hermetschwil Abbey in 1430 by Götz Vasnacht, patron of Zufikon. The first part of the book was severely damaged, probably deliberately: individual pages are missing, some pages are cut out halfway, and a deep cut goes through several quires.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript contains a collection of classical descriptions of lives of monks in a High Alemannic translation. It was written by Jos of Ulm. He dated the completion of his work 30 September 1451.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript contains the Historia trium regum by John of Hildesheim in a High Alemannic translation. It dates to the first quarter of the 15th century and still retains its original binding. In the beginning and after leaf 8, parts of the text are missing.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript was written by Johannes Molitor of Winterthur and is dated 2 December 1432. It contains German translations of the Gospels for Sundays and the most important feast days. It belonged to Veronika von Hettlingen, mother superior of Hermetschwil Abbey from 1498 until 1507.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This thin, small book (28 leaves) contains prayers relating to individual words of the Ave Maria. It is from the 15th century and is written in High Alemannic dialect.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript contains a tract on the Passion in the High Allemanian language, consisting of a collection of materials from the four Gospels, the apocryphal Gospel of Jacob and Ps.-Anselm of Canterbury. The manuscript was written in 1494 by Barbara Grünenbächin, a person of unknown origin, not listed as a member of the choir at Hermetschwil. It belonged to the monastery of Hermetschwil and was recorded in the catalog there as of 1697.
Online Since: 06/22/2010
This small booklet contains the “Dialogue with Mary,” attributed to Anselm of Canterbury. The end is missing. Hermetschwil Abbey owned two versions of this work (v. Cod. membr. 33).
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This book of hours belonged to Johannes Huber (†1500), chaplain at the Grossmünster in Zurich. It contains parts of prayers related to the Liturgy of the Hours for the daily routine of clerics.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This book of hours contains primarily the Office of the Dead and the Office of the Virgin. The initials are clearly set off from one another by color and enliven the text.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This voluminous breviary is dated 4 August 1491. The writer is Heinrich Schlosser, parish priest at Zufikon, who wrote it for nearby Hermetschwil Abbey.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This monastic breviary was used at Hermetschwil Abbey. The rubrics are primarily in German. The binding is from the workshop of dominus Valentinus.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
Johannes Brüsch of Pfullendorf wrote this breviary presumable at the behest of Hermetschwil Abbey and dated it on 18 October 1466. Later it was used at Hermetschwil Abbey.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript contains hymns and canticles for choral prayers in monasteries. Presumably it was originally created for Muri Abbey; later it was used at Hermetschwil Abbey.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This gradual contains the most important chants for the Mass throughout the liturgical year and for the saints. They are in Hufnagel notation. The graphic relation of text to melody is not always clear.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
Jakok Strub from Aarau, deceased in 1506, wrote this volume in 1456 for his relation Agnes Trüllerey, mother superior at Hermetschwil. It contains the St. Georgener Prediger.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript, in which two scribes identify themselves (Konrad Wa, administrator from Bremgarten, and Johannes Bürgler from Uri), contains a collection of prayers, mostly formulated for a female worshipper.
Online Since: 11/10/2016
This manuscript contains a collection of prayers and texts for contemplation. Some pages are torn. Entire quires have been ripped out.
Online Since: 11/10/2016