St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 225, p. 473 – Manoscritto miscellaneo: selezione di differenti testi sulla sinonimia, esegesi, computistica, medicina, agiografia
Descrizione breve:Manoscritto miscellaneo dell’abbazia di San Gallo, composto in una minuscola alemannica tra il 760 e il 797. Contiene, tra l’altro, un’ampia selezione di differenti testi sulla sinonimia (tra cui le Differentiae di Isidoro di Siviglia), esegetici (Eucherio di Lione, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae), computistici, medici, agiografici (tra questi, la più antica versione della biografie dei santi patroni di Zurigo Felice e Regola).(smu)
Descrizione standard: Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 27.
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Descrizione aggiuntiva: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 80-81.
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Online dal: 09.12.2008
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 225
Pergamena · 478 pp. · 25 x 15.3-16 cm · San Gallo · tra il 760 e il 797
Manoscritto miscellaneo: selezione di differenti testi sulla sinonimia, esegesi, computistica, medicina, agiografia
Come citare:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 225, p. 473 – Manoscritto miscellaneo: selezione di differenti testi sulla sinonimia, esegesi, computistica, medicina, agiografia (
Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 27.
Titolo del codice:
Isidorus, Differentiae, Allegoriae; Computus;
Eucherius, Instructiones; etc.
Luogo di origine: St. Gall
Datazione: saec. VIII ex. (A.D. 760-797)
Formato: ca. 250 x 153-160 mm.
Numerazione delle pagine: Paginated 1-209, 209a, 210-479, with the last folio pasted to the back cover and left unnumbered.
Composizione dei fascicoli: Gatherings of eight, signed, after two unnumbered quires, in the centre of the lower margin of the last page with Roman numerals (XXIIII ff.) under angular brackets.
Condizione: Parchment often defective.
Disposizione della pagina:
(197-205 x 105-120 mm.)
in 20-30 long lines. Ruling before folding, mostly on the hair-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression on the outer bifolium. Double bounding lines in both margins. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Tipo di scrittura e mani:
Multiple hands
Punctuation sparingly used, the main pause is marked by the medial point or comma or colon or semicolon, lesser pauses by the medial point. Run-overs are set off by a curved line or by an angular bracket.
Abbreviations include the insular symbols lr, ÷ = autem, est; and the ordinary forms b;, q; = bus, que (and quae); aū and auꞇ̄ = autem; = ber (and bis) ; dr̄ = dicitur ; ee, ē = esse, est; , ꝳ, ꝴ (or with the cross-stroke looped) = men, mus, nus ; = non; i and nr̄i = nostri ; o = omnes; ꝑ (changed from ꝓ on p. 259), , ꝓ, ppꞇ = per, prae, pro, propter; ꝙ, q, quom = qui, quod, quomodo; ꞅɫ, r̄ = rum, runt; seca = secula (cf. assca = assecla); ꞇ̄, ꞇ̓ = ter, tur ; u = uel.
Spelling shows frequent confusion of e and i, o and u, ci and ti.
Script is a roundish minuscule of the Alemannic type, by several scribes: the nt ligature occurs often in mid-word.
The Catechism on pp. 461-473 is by a somewhat later hand; likewise the Passio SS. Felicis et Regulae on pp. 473-478.
Colophons in uncial often touched up with red. Headings in uncial surrounded by red dots or daubed with red, yellow, blue, or violet, or in lines alternately red and green; some in red mixed uncial and capitals or in black hollow capitals filled with red or yellow.
Initials are rather simple, some bizarre, using the plait and fish motifs, occasionally the human face (p. 51); in the chronological tables on pp. 117 ff. the columns are flanked by coloured stripes ending in heads of birds, dogs, and snakes, or leaf motif; blank spaces are here and there filled by little drawings, of hands on pp. 129, 132, 134, of a dog on p. 118; colours used are red, green, yellow, blue, and violet. Ink brown or black.
Aggiunte: Numerous corrections by contemporary hands; in large parts of the manuscript chapters were numbered by the St. Gall scribe Winithar who also added some headings (See plate and our No. 893a.) See PDF.
Origine del manoscritto:
Written at St. Gall, to judge by the script. A hint as to the date is given by the paschal table on pp. 114-116 which extends from 760 to 797; the cross opposite the year 773 may point to the exact date of writing.