Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 301(469)

Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 190, Nr. 40.
Titolo del codice: 2 in Int.
Datazione: s. XI
Supporto materiale: Parchment
i + 240 + i pages
Formato: page 275 x 210 mm
Disposizione della pagina:
text 230 x 160 mm; 27-28 lines.
Tipo di scrittura e mani:
Several good but quite different scribes.
Decorazione: Initial letters in black. Diagram of affirmatio-negatio, p. 98. Other
diagrams planned but not executed.
Gloss: Notes and pointing hands by Heinrich von Ligerz.
s. xiv
white leather on wood; one clasp (lost).
- Pp. 1-2 and 241-242 flyleaves from a s. xi lectionary;
- 3-240 2 in Int. [Second commentary on De interpretatione, Teubner, 1880.] expl. imperf. V. 13 de contingenti et possi<bili rationem esse> (417/18-19);
- 241-242 (along bottom of page) note concerning a plea of Charles IV in a Nuremberg lawsuit dated 1356.
Provenienza del manoscritto:
In Einsiedeln by c. 1350.
- Aristoteles Latinus, ed. G. Lacombe and L. Minio-Paluello, 3 vols, Rome, 1939; Cambridge, 1955; Bruges-Paris, 1961, 1156;
- A. Bruckner, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica, 14 vols, Geneva, 1935-78; V, pp. 88, 183;
- C. Lohr, Aristotelica Helvetica. Catalogus codicum latinorum in bibliothecis Confederationis Helveticae asservatorum quibus versiones expositionesque Aristotelis continentur, Scrinium Friburgense, 6, Fribourg, 1994, pp. 176-7.
- Meier, p. 275;
- Parkes, in Boethius: His Life, Thought and Influence, ed. M. T. Gibson, Oxford, 1981, p. 427;