Manuscript Summary:The psalms in this manuscript are subdivided according to the days of the week on which they are to be read and, with exception of the psalms for Friday, these daily sections have decorated monochrome or multicolored initial word panels. The manuscript has an architectural title page representing Moses and Aaron standing in arches. Particularly impressive is the picture at the beginning of the first Psalm where, following the initial word ashre, on folio 6v is a depiction of King David sitting outside on the terrace of a palace, playing the harp while looking at an open volume, which most probably represents his psalms.
This Braginsky manuscript has been copied and decorated by Moses Judah Leib ben Wolf Broda of Trebitsch, who is also responsible for perhaps the most famous decorated Hebrew manuscript of the eighteenth century – the Von Geldern Haggadah of 1723. Including this Braginsky psalter, a total of seven manuscripts by Moses Judah Leib are known, produced between 1713-1723. The brown mottled calf binding carries the emblem of the De Pinto family of Amsterdam tooled in gold on both the front and the back covers.(red)
Online Since: 10/13/2016
Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B222
Parchment · 129 ff. · 12 x 8.1 cm · [Vienna/Amsterdam?] copied and decorated by Moses Judah Leib ben Wolf Broda of Trebitsch · 1723
<i>Tehillim</i> (Psalms)
How to quote:
Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B222, Front cover – <i>Tehillim</i> (Psalms) (