St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 98, Front cover – A collection of the dogmatic works <i>De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum</i> and <i>Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes</i>, both originally written by Ambrose; <i>De laude sanctorum</i> by Bishop Victricius of Rouen
Parchment · 238 pp. · 27 x 21-21.5 cm · Metz (probably in the area around Metz) · middle of the 9th century
A collection of the dogmatic works <i>De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum</i> and <i>Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes</i>, both originally written by Ambrose; <i>De laude sanctorum</i> by Bishop Victricius of Rouen
Manuscript Summary:A collection of the dogmatic works De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum and Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes, both originally written by the early church father Ambrose († 397) together with De laude sanctorum by Bishop Victricius of Rouen († before 409). A northern French copy from the middle of the 9th century, probably not produced at the monastery of St. Gall, but rather in the area of Metz. The manuscript opens with six dedicatory verses by the priest Regimarus to King Ludwig the German (833-876) in Latin hexameter.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 38-39.
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Online Since: 12/09/2008
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 98
Parchment · 238 pp. · 27 x 21-21.5 cm · Metz (probably in the area around Metz) · middle of the 9th century
A collection of the dogmatic works <i>De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum</i> and <i>Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes</i>, both originally written by Ambrose; <i>De laude sanctorum</i> by Bishop Victricius of Rouen
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 98, Front cover – A collection of the dogmatic works <i>De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum</i> and <i>Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes</i>, both originally written by Ambrose; <i>De laude sanctorum</i> by Bishop Victricius of Rouen (
Parchment · 238 pp. · 27 x 21-21.5 cm · Metz (probably in the area around Metz) · middle of the 9th century
A collection of the dogmatic works <i>De spiritu sancto libri tres ad Gratianum</i> and <i>Libri tres de incarnatione contra Apollinaristes</i>, both originally written by Ambrose; <i>De laude sanctorum</i> by Bishop Victricius of Rouen
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 38-39.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pergament
238 Seiten
Format: 2° min.
Additions: Mit Korrektur und Randbemerkungen
S. 2
Dedikation in 6 Hexametern an Ludwig (den Deutschen)Regimarus sacerdos
Hattemer Denkm. I, 409
Dümmler Ostfränk. Gesch. I, 854
S. 3-170Ambrosius: de spiritu sc. libri III. ad Gratianum
Opp. Ed. Paris. II, 596-700
S. 170-211>Incipit liber III. contra Apollinaristas<
Ist das Buch de incarnatione
Opp. Ed. Paris. II, 703.
211-238>Inc. liber sc. Ambrosii epi. in laude sanctorum compositus<
(Diese Ueberschrift ist vom alten Korrektor).
Zwölf Kapitel, u. d. N. Victricius in Migne's Cursus 20, 443.
Nicht von Ambrosius laut Vorr. zur Benediktiner Ausg. der Opp. Ambr. Tom. II, wo die St. Galler Hs. erwähnt ist.
Abdruck aus dieser bei Lebeuf Recueil de div. escrits etc. 1739. Tom. II. fin.