St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 272, p. 247 – Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains Alcuin’s Carmina 123 (Epitaphium Alcuini) and 112 (Dum sedeas laetus)
Manuscript Summary:This composite manuscript from the 9th century was probably produced in Tours. It contains various theological works by Alcuin of York (around 730-804): De virtutibus et vitiis; De fide sanctae et individuae trinitatis; De trinitate et ad Fredegisum quaestiones XXVIII; De animae ratione ad Eulaliam virginem. Also included in the manuscript are the Epitaphium Alcuini (carm. 123) and Alcuin’s Carmen 112 Dum sedeas laetus (an inscription for an unknown abbey church), which has been preserved only in this manuscript. On p. 245 there is a brief historical note regarding Charlemagne’s Divisio Regnorum from 806. This note is written in the same hand as Alcuin’s Carmen 112 and contains a reference to the date of the writing: Anno dcccvi ab incarnatione domini indictione xiiii anno xxxviii regnante karolo imperatore viii idus februarii die veneris divisum est regnum illius iter filiis suis quantum unusquis post illum habet et ego alia die hoc opus perfeci. On p. 247 there is a pen trial of the antiphon Quid vobis videtur de Christo? Cuius filius est? (Hesbert, Corpus antiphonalium officii, no. 4533), the first four words of which are marked with neumes.(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 102-103.
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Online Since: 12/20/2012
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 272
Parchment · 247 pp. · 11-11.5 x 18.5 cm · Tours (?) · beginning of the 9th century
Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains Alcuin’s Carmina 123 (Epitaphium Alcuini) and 112 (Dum sedeas laetus)
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 272, p. 247 – Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains Alcuin’s Carmina 123 (Epitaphium Alcuini) and 112 (Dum sedeas laetus) (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 102-103.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pgm.
247 (246) Seiten
Format: 8°
Writing and hands: Von Mehrern.
S. 1-52Alcuinus: ad Widonem de virtutibus et vitiis
nur Kap. 8-36 ohne Ueber- und Unterschrift, mit der peroratio (Canis. VI, 408-9) am Schlusse. Opp. ed. Froben II, 12-145, von S. 131 an. Siehe zu Cod. 146.
S. 52-54Epitaphium AlcuiniHic rogo pauxillum
ohne Ueberschrift, mit Nachwort in Prosa und dem Todestag XIV Kal. Junias (Canis. VI, 409-410. Opp. ed. Froben I, p. LXIX, am Ende der alten Vita Alcuini.
Jaffé Biblioth. V, p. 33).
S. 55-201Alcuinus: de trinitate ad Karolum libri III
(Opp. ed. Froben I, 703-737, wo die Gebete [p. 63-66 Codicis] am Ende stehn.
Jaffé Biblioth. V, p. 671-674 No. 191).
S. 202-214Alcuinus: de trinitate ad Fredegisum
(I, 739 bis 742
Jaffé Bibl. V, p. 817-818 No. 258 gibt nur den Brief ohne die Abhandlung).
S. 214-243Alcuinus: de anima ad Eulaliam
(mit Distichen etc.) II, 146-153
p. 780-787 No. 243.
S. 244-245
(von anderer Hand): Lokalinschriften in 7 Distichen (Dum sedeas laetus etc.
Canis. VI, 410. Froben II, 153) und eine historische Notiz v. J. 806 (Monum. Germ. I, 70; früher ungenau bei
Mabillon Anal. vet. IV, 34 und Canis. VI, 410).