St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1280, p. 9 – Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762.
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1280, p. 9 – Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762.
Paper · 280 pp. · 33 × 22.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 17th and 18th century (about 1680-1780)
Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762.
Manuscript Summary:A composite manuscript that is very instructive about the history of the library; it is made up of various documents, written between 1680 and 1780 and then bound together. Part 1 (pp. 7-121): manuscript catalog by Fr. Hermann Schenk (1653-1706) from the period around 1700. Around 1750, Fr. Pius Kolb (1712-1762) added his new catalog signatures. Kolb also noted missing manuscripts in Schenk’s catalog. Most of these had been taken to Zurich in 1712 (deest). Part 2: (pp. 127−153 and pp. 162−167): register of abbey library benefactors (Monumentum gratitudinis dedicatum benefactoribus Bibliothecae), begun in 1680 and continued until 1780. Extraordinary donations to the library were entered retroactively to 1567, such as (p. 133) the “donation” of a large terrestrial and celestial globe by the pharmacist Lukas Stöckli from Constance. Such mentions often concern objects from the library’s cabinet of curiosities and rarities. Part 3 (pp. 155-161): books that were acquired between 1717 and 1737 under Abbot Joseph von Rudolphi (1717-1740). Part 4 (pp. 169 and pp. 175-187): books from the estate of Prince-Abbot (1687-1696) and Cardinal Cölestin Sfondrati, which after his death were integrated into the library by Fr. Hermann Schenk. Part 5 (pp. 191-234): collection of larger format volumes from the abbey library from the period around 1700. Part 6: (pp. 237−270; separate loose documents): list of the abbey library’s most beautiful books from the period around 1750, composed by Fr. Pius Kolb and entitled Ilias in nuce. Part 7 (pp. 275-280; collection of loose pages): list of manuscript signatures by Fr. Pius Kolb.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 441.
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Online Since: 06/23/2014
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1280
Paper · 280 pp. · 33 × 22.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 17th and 18th century (about 1680-1780)
Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762.
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1280, p. 9 – Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762. (
Paper · 280 pp. · 33 × 22.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 17th and 18th century (about 1680-1780)
Manuscript catalog by Father Hermann Schenk from the period around 1700 – Register of abbey library benefactors from 1567 until about 1780 – Various special lists of the abbey library’s printed books, compiled between about 1696 and about 1762.
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 441.
Manuscript title: H. Schenk Catalogus Cod. Msc. Biblioth. S. Galli ante a. 1700
Dates of origin:
Support: Papier
Format: in Fol.
H. Schenk: Catalogus Cod. Msc. Biblioth. S. Galli ante a. 1700
(113 Seiten mit den Anfangsworten der Texte und literar. Nachweisen. Kolb hat die spätere Signatur der Codd. am Rande beigefügt, sowie das 'Deest,' wo etwas seit 1714 mangelt).
Benefactores Bibliothecae
(angefangen ao 1680; 55 Seiten.)
'Ilias in nuce'
(Verzeichniss der wichtigsten gedruckten Bücher der Bibliothek, geschrieben von Pius Kolb).
Vgl. Weidmann Bibl. Gesch. p. 82-85, 93-94 und 125-126
In Schenk's Katalog sind die Bücher unter den Rubriken Cista I-IV in sechsmal von 1 anfangender Zahlenreihe aufgeführt; dieselbe Signatur begegnet noch in Aem. Zeller's Katalog v. J. 1729 (Cod. 1279); doch ist auch hier die Kolbsche Bezeichnung beigeschrieben. Auf jene Klassification von Schenk verweisen an den Bänden selbst die kleinen gedruckten Nummern, die noch bei einer kleinen Anzahl derselben auf dem Rücken angeklebt sind (Cod. 50, 89, 143, 147, 148 etc.); bei Cod. 772 ist diese Zahl auf den rothen Buchstaben v. J. 1461 aufgeleimt.