Fribourg/Freiburg, Couvent des Cordeliers/Franziskanerkloster, Ms. 2
Manuscript title: Antiphonary, Franciscan use.
Dates of origin:
- late 13th
- or early 14th century, after 1260
Support: Parchment
245 leaves; lacuna of unknown length (perhaps 2 leaves) at beginning; lacuna after the first responsory of Matins for Easter Sunday (perhaps 3-4 leaves); lacuna before Laurence (perhaps 2 leaves); lacuna at end of unknown length; insertion of three leaves after the summer histories; all lacunae and the insertion predate the numbering of the folia
Format: 45.5 x 31.4 cm
Foliation: in pencil in modern Arabic numbers, upper-right-hand corners of rectos
- generally good;
- some darkening on bottom right-hand corners;
- some leaves have been trimmed (see ff. 22, 23, 37, 57, 67, 70, 102, 105, 106, 131, 144 and 191, for example) but trimming does not appear to be extensive;
- some evidence of worm-bores;
- scraping lines are visible on some leaves (from the preparation of the parchment);
- some holes have been repaired (see ff. 1, 3, 4, 11, 37, 109 and 151, for example)
Page layout:
principal writing-space 34.0 x 24.0 cm; 13 four-line red staves with music notation per side with text in the intervening spaces; height of staff is approximately 1.2 cm; height of text is approximately 0.6 cm; distance between ruled lines is not uniform (ranges between 1.2 and 1.5 cm); large, decorative initials are 5.8 cm tall; frame and guide-holes generally not visible (although guide-holes are visible on ff. 23-24 and ff. 227-236, for example)
Writing and hands:
Musical notation:
- square notation
- neumes in brown/black ink
- large, decorative initials in red and blue;
- smaller initials in red and black;
- no illuminations
wood with dark-brown leather covering; 47.2 x 33.5 cm; approximately 15 cm thick; covers are each approximately 2 cm thick; leather is tooled on front cover with a decorative cross and X in a frame, and back cover has X and decorative frame; worn at corners and edges of spine; binding not made for this manuscript; remnants of two clasps on exterior of back cover; 4 round and 2 star-shaped metal bosses on front cover; 4 round metal bosses on back cover; no front flyleaf; small sections remain of both front and back pastedowns (these contain unidentified text in a cursive script)
chants for the entire year for the liturgical Office following the cathedral (secular) cursus:
- Ff. 1-3 Invitatory tones.
- Ff. 4-159 Temporale.
Ff. 160-226 Sanctorale.
- (160r) Andrew;
- (163r) Lucy;
- (164v) Agnes;
- (167v) Conversion of Paul;
- (168r) Purification;
- (171v) Agatha;
- (174v) Peter’s Chair;
- (175r) Annunciation;
- (179r) Finding of the Cross;
- (180v) Anthony of Padua;
- (185r) John the Baptist;
- (189r) John and Paul;
- (190r) Peter and Paul;
- (196v) Mary Magdalene;
- (198r) Laurence;
- (200v) Assumption;
- (204v) Nativity of Mary;
- (207r) Exaltation of the Cross;
- (208r) Michael;
- (211v) Francis of Assisi;
- (217r) All Saints;
- (219r) Martin;
- (222v) Cecilia;
- (225v) Clement.
- Ff. 227-244 Commune sanctorum.
- Ff. 244-245 Dedication of a Church.
Origin of the manuscript:
This manuscript is identified as Franciscan according to its incipit (see f. 4r) and the inclusion of the Offices for Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua. Mitchell has compared the rubrics with those of the earliest Franciscan liturgy as edited by van Dijk (The Ordinal of the Papal Court, 1975) and has determined that Fribourg Ms. 2 is representative of the first Franciscan Office liturgy, not that revised by Haymo of Faversham in the 1240s, as indicated by Leisibach. Since this manuscript contains the Office of Anthony of Padua (canonized 1232) in the original hand and in its proper position (June 13), it can be dated to the later thirteenth century. (Haymo’s revised ordinal of 1243-44 does not include this Office, but it is included in the Franciscan capitulary thought to have been issued in 1251.) Mitchell notes that there is no evidence of a lacuna where the Office for Clare (canonized 1255) would fall if included in its proper position (August 12). Even so, the manuscript was probably copied after 1260 since the first antiphon of Matins for the Office for Francis contains a wording ordered by a General Chapter of that year (statute edited in van Dijk, 1963, vol. 2, p. 420).
- Mitchell, Andrew W. "The Chant of the Earliest Franciscan Liturgy." Ph.D. diss., The University of Western Ontario, 2003.
- Ladner, Pascal, ed. Iter Helveticum. Teil II: Die Liturgische Handschriften des Kantons Freiburg, by Joseph Leisibach. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag, 1977, pp. 91-93.
- van Dijk, S.J.P., ed. The Ordinal of the Papal Court from Innocent III to Boniface VIII and Related Documents. Completed by Joan Hazelden Walker. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag, 1975.
- Sources of the Modern Roman Liturgy: The Ordinals of Haymo of Faversham and Related Documents (1243-1307). Edited and with an introduction and a description of the manuscripts by S. J. P. van Dijk, 2 vols. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1963.
External resources:
- Index of complete contents available from: CANTUS: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant. Debra Lacoste, Project Manager. The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.