Country of Location: |
Country of Location
Location: |
Location St. Gallen |
Library / Collection: |
Library / Collection
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark Cod. Sang. 593 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Prayers, lives and holiday rubrics, German (P. Joachim Cuontz) |
Caption: | Caption Paper · II + 198 pp. · 21.5 x 14 cm · Lay community of St. Gall, partly Monastery of St. Gall (P. Joachim Cuontz) · 1505 |
Language: |
Alemannic |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary Composite manuscript from a lay community of St. Gall (from Scarpatetti, p. 137), partly written and compiled around 1505 by the St. Gall Conventual Joachim Cuontz († 1515). The two most substantial parts of the manuscript are the life and miracle of St. Anne (pp. 49-137) and an incunable (Inc. Sang. 995; Hain 12453) bound together with the manuscript of the German version of the Passio S. Meinradi, decorated with 37 woodcuts and printed between 1496 and 1500 by Michael Furter in Basel (pp. 141−195). The manuscript furthermore contains medical advice, for instance on the use of St. Benedict's thistle or a remedy for the plague (pp. 15−21; p. 138); translations of sequences into German (pp. 5-9); numerous prayers and exempla, especially to Mary, Anne and Joachim (pp. 25-44); as well as a letter, surviving in fragments, from Silvester, provost of the Monastery of the Augustinian canons of Rebdorf in Eichstätt to the sisters of the Convent of Pulgarn in Upper Austria, regarding poverty in the convent (pp. 44-48). |
Standard description: | Standard description Scarpatetti Beat Matthias von, Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Bd. 2: Abt. III/2: Codices 450-546: Liturgica, Libri precum, deutsche Gebetbücher, Spiritualia, Musikhandschriften 9.-16. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 2008, S. 137-140.Show standard description |
Additional description: | Additional description Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 192.Show additional description |
Additional description: | Additional description Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550,
Bd. III: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken St. Gallen-Zürich, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Rudolf Gamper
und Marlis Stähli, Dietikon-Zürich 1991, Nr. 130, S. 47-48.Show additional description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-csg-0593 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: |
IIIF Manifest URL
How to quote: | How to quote St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 593: Prayers, lives and holiday rubrics, German (P. Joachim Cuontz) ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 06/25/2015 |
Additional literature: | Additional literature Additional literature – St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz (SGBN) - Verbundkatalog |
External resources: | External resources |
Rights: | Rights Images:
(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: |
Document Type
Manuscript |
Century: |
16th century |
Dated: |
1505 |
Binding: |
15th century |
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KlausGraf · 12/17/2015, 22:56:12
87 :
"Exempel von ains richen burges son". Es heißt "burgers", während im Textanfang tatsächlich burges steht.
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