Select manuscript from this collection: Cod. Sang. 1  Cod. Sang. 1262 Cod. Sang. 1278  Cod. Sang. 2135  764/882

Country of Location:
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St. Gallen
Library / Collection:
Library / Collection
Cod. Sang. 1276
Manuscript Title:
Manuscript Title
Illustrations of the coats of arms of those killed in the Battle of Sempach on the side of the Austrian Habsburgs; painting of the Battle of Sempach 1386
Parchment and paper · 12 + 57 pp. · 33.5 x 23 cm · Joseph Leodegar Bartholomäus Tschudi (book decoration, perhaps the script as well) for the Abbey of St. Gall · 1738
Manuscript Summary:
Manuscript Summary
This manuscript, with an imposing binding, bears the title “Schlacht-, Nammen-, Schilt- und Waappen-Buoch von denen noch bewusten Graffen, Freyen, Edlen, Ritter und Knechten, welche mit Hertzog Leopoldo II. von Oesterreich auff St. Cirilli den 9.ten Tag Iulij 1386 vor Sempach umbgekommen und erschlagen worden” (Book of the battle, name, escutcheon and coat of arms for the known counts, freemen, nobles, knights and soldiers who perished or were slain along with Leopold II, Duke of Austria on St. Cyril, the 9th day of July 1386 at Sempach). Joseph von Rudolphi (1717−1740), abbot of St. Gall, commissioned this copy in 1738, because, after studying the Chronicon Helveticum, the great historical work by the scholar Aegidius Tschudi (1505−1572) of Glarus, and a copy thereof that he had arranged to have made for his monastery shortly before from the exemplar at Schloss Gräpplang near Flums (Cod. Sang. 1213−1220), he had found certain discrepancies with an older copy of the “Wappenbuch von Sempach”. A colorful painting of the battle has survived as a sort of frontispiece on a parchment bifolio (pp. 6−7); it is similar to the painting in the Schlachtkapelle (“battle chapel”) of Sempach and, according to Franz Weidmann’s manuscript catalog (Cod. Sang. 1405, p. 2002), it was “von einem gar alten Kupferstich getreülich abgemalet worden” (faithfully copied from a quite old copperplate print). Apparently Joseph Leodegar Bartholomäus Tschudi (1708−1772), a descendant of Aegidius Tschudi, is responsible for the book decoration (p. V1). After extensive introductory comments, the volume’s rich ornamentation with the coats of arms begins with a portrait of Duke Leopold III (p. 34). (smu)
Standard description:
Standard description
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 440.
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
DOI (Digital Object Identifier
10.5076/e-codices-csg-1276 (
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How to quote:
How to quote
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1276: Illustrations of the coats of arms of those killed in the Battle of Sempach on the side of the Austrian Habsburgs; painting of the Battle of Sempach 1386 (
Online Since:
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Additional literature:
Additional literature
Additional literature – St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz (SGBN) - Verbundkatalog
(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use)
Document Type:
Document Type
18th century
Figurative, Full Page, Fully Painted
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