Country of Location: |
Country of Location
Location: |
Location Schaffhausen |
Library / Collection: |
Library / Collection
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark Ministerialbibliothek, Min. 4 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Bibliorum sacrorum pars prima |
Caption: | Caption Parchment · 330 ff. · 35.5 x 25 cm · Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen · 1080-1096 |
Language: |
Latin |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary Part of a four-volume Latin Bible in parchment, produced in the scriptorium of Allerheiligen monastery in Schaffhausen shortly after 1080. The codex has numerous initials with scroll ornaments, a page decorated with colours and gold featuring an initial V (the vision of Isaiah), and a historiated inital with scroll ornaments (the calling of Jeremiah), in which the influence of manuscripts from Reichenau can be recognized. Along with Min. 18, Min. 4 is one of the most important codices from the prime of Allerheiligen, when the monastery, founded in 1049, supported, under Abbot Siegfried (d. 1096), the reforms of Hirsau and, for this purpose established a library. |
Standard description: | Standard description Gamper Rudolf / Knoch-Mund Gaby / Stähli Marlis, Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Ministerialbibliothek Schaffhausen, Dietikon-Zürich 1994, S. 79-80.Show standard description |
Additional description: | Additional description Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 6, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz: Kloster Allerheiligen in Schaffhausen, Genf 1952, S. 87-88.Show additional description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-sbs-min0004 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: |
IIIF Manifest URL
![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Schaffhausen, Stadtbibliothek, Ministerialbibliothek, Min. 4: Bibliorum sacrorum pars prima ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 10/04/2011 |
Rights: | Rights Images:
![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: |
Document Type
Manuscript |
Century: |
11th century |
Dated: |
1080-1096 |
Decoration: |
Figurative, Full Page, Fully Painted, Gold / Silver, Initial, Ornamental, Penwork |
Liturgica christiana: |
Liturgica christiana
Bible |
Binding: |
15th century, 15th century |
Die schönsten Seiten der Schweiz. Geistliche und weltliche Handschriften / Trésors enluminés de Suisse. Manuscrits sacrés et profanes, M. Bernasconi Reusser, C. Flüeler, B. Roux (ed.), Cinisello Balsamo 2020, 152-153, Nr. 13 (R. Gamper).
M. Bernasconi Reusser, Handschriften und Inschriften des 11./12. Jahrhunderts aus dem Kloster Allerheiligen in Schaffhausen, in: Scriptorium. Wesen. Funktion. Eigenheiten, Comité International de paléographie latine, XVIII. Kolloquium St. Gallen 2013, hrsg. von A. Nievergelt, R. Gamper, M. Bernasconi Reusser, B. Ebersperger, E. Tremp, München 2015, SS. 339-356: 344, 352, 354.
Szkiet Christine, Reichenauer Codices in Schaffhausen. Die frühen Handschriften des Schaffhauser Allerheiligenklosters und ihre Stellung in der südwestdeutschen Buchmalerei des 11. Jahrhunderts, Kieler Kunsthistorische Studien N. F. 9, Kiel, 2005.