Silvester I, Papa (ca. 314/335)
A composite manuscript from Fulda with texts primarily on the topic of repentance and asceticism. Similar to a series of Isidore-codices from Fulda, it reached Basel in the 16th century - possibly because one of the texts contained therein also survived under Isidore's name; thus it escaped the abduction and destruction of the Fulda library during the Thirty Years' War. The various parts and texts are written in Anglo-Saxon and Carolingian minuscule and originated in Fulda and its surroundings, up to Mainz. The leather binding, presumably still Carolingian, was much changed at a later time, especially due to the removal of the covers. Apparently in Basel, what had formerly been the first quire (Paenitentiale Theodori), in a markedlay smaller format, was removed from the collection. Today it bears the shelf mark N I 1: 3c.
Online Since: 03/17/2016
- Silvester I, Papa: Canones. Monumentum Spurium, Constitutum Silvestri (9v-10r)
Incipit: Presbyter non adversus episcopum, non diaconus adversus presbyterum
Explicit: in publico examinet nisi in ecclesia.
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- Silvester I, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Alcuinus, Flaccus (Author) | Ambrosius, Autpertus (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Columbanus, Sancti Trudonis (Author) | Fäsch, Ruman (Former possessor) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Knöttel, Johann (Librarian) | Petri, Heinrich (Former possessor) | Silvester I, Papa (Author) | Theodorus, Cantuariensis (Author) | Theodulfus, Aurelianensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
A canon law manuscript from the first half of the 9th century, produced in the southern German-speaking region, probably in Bavaria. It contains, among other items, versions of the so-called Collection canonum Vetus Gallica with an appendix, Charlemagne's Capitulary of Herstal, the so-called Excarpsus Cummenai and, under the title De triduanis ieiuniis consuetudine, an incomplete copy of a set of guidelines for fasting.
Online Since: 07/31/2009
- Silvester I, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius II, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hormisdas, Papa (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Karl I, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Silvester I, Papa (Author) | Siricius, Papa (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius II, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hormisdas, Papa (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Karl I, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Silvester I, Papa (Author) | Siricius, Papa (Author) Found in: Additional description
- Silvester I, Papa: Canon Silvestri (S. 170-224) Found in: Additional description
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius II, Papa (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hormisdas, Papa (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Karl I, Römisch-Deutsches Reich, Kaiser (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Silvester I, Papa (Author) | Siricius, Papa (Author) Found in: Additional description