[sine loco], codices restituti, Cod. 2 (Frowinus dispersus), Front cover – Gregorius M., Moralia in Job., t. I (Codex restitutus)
Manuscript Summary:This codex contains a virtual reconstruction of Engelberg Abbey Library’s Cod. 20 with the first volume of Gregory the Great’s Moralia in Iob. It contains the first (ff. 6r-99r) and second part (99r-193v), each divided into five books. At the front of the volume there used to be a full-page illustration consisting of an artistic portrayal of Job with his three friends (upper half) and a portrayal of Gregory the Great and a writing monk (lower half), who according to custom represents Peter the Deacon (Petrus Diaconus). This leaf with a verse of dedication by Frowin on the back, the actual recto side, was carefully described by P. Karl Stadler in his hand-written catalog of 1787; this helped to identify the membrum disiectum, which is now held by the The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1955.74 (Purchase from the J.H. Wade Fund), as unequivocally belonging to this volume.(flu)
Parchment · 194 ff. · 31.5 x 23 cm · Engelberg · 1143-1178
Gregorius M., Moralia in Job., t. I (Codex restitutus)
How to quote:
[sine loco], codices restituti, Cod. 2 (Frowinus dispersus), Front cover – Gregorius M., Moralia in Job., t. I (Codex restitutus) (https://www.e-codices.ch/en/list/one/sl/0002)