Descrizione breve:Manoscritto liturgico (Sharaknots o Sharakan) contenente la raccolta degli inni - più di mille divisi in otto gruppi - in uso nella chiesa armena. Molti di questi sono stati composti dalle più importanti personalità di questa chiesa, mentre altri sono precoci traduzioni di inni sacri risalenti ai primi secoli del cristianesimo. I testi presentano la notazione musicale Khaz, in uso presso gli armeni. Il codice è stato trascritto dal copista Simeon nel 1662 nella città di Brnakot, nella provincia di Siounik, un importante centro per la produzione di manoscritti liturgici nel sud dell’Armenia. L’apparato decorativo consiste in 8 pannelli decorativi nel margine superiore, 120 iniziali decorate e zoomorfe e numerose semplici iniziali in rosso. Conserva la legatura originale in cuoio marrone con impressioni a secco.(ber)
Descrizione standard: Description by Davit Ghazaryan, translated into English by Aida Charkhchyan, 2012.
Mostra la descrizione standard
Online dal: 04.07.2012
Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 3
Pergamena · 321 ff. · 12.7 x 9 cm · Brnakot (Armenia) · 1662
Description by Davit Ghazaryan, translated into English by Aida Charkhchyan, 2012.
Titolo del codice: Armenian Hymnal
Luogo di origine: Village of Brnakot (Province of Siunik)
Datazione: 1662
Supporto materiale: Parchment
321 folios.
Formato: 12.7 x 9 cm.
Numerazione delle pagine: It has later pagination by pencil, made by hand from 1 to 100, i.e. 1r-51v.
Condizione: Satisfactory, both ties and rivets of ties are missing. On F. 33, 60, 61, 79, 185, 282, 283, 301, 313 and 318, small tears are seen in the edges of margins. On F. 52, 63, 66, 92, 97, 107, 125, 137, 177, 190, 194, 238, 260, 311 - natural holes of the parchment.
Disposizione della pagina:
One column; 23 lines.
Tipo di scrittura e mani:
Scribe: Priest Simon.
Script: cursive with neumas (khazes).
Colophon about the time of writing by the scribe
99v (bottom margin) Remember the sinful Simeon called priest.
Glory to the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the eternity of times, thanks to their favor I brought this book to the end.
It was written on June 2, 1111 of the Armenian era (1662) by the humble and most unworthy scribe Simon, sinful and ungifted priest. It was written in the province of Siunik, in the village of Brnakot, under the protection of Saint Grigor.
Now, if anyone comes to see this in order to learn or to copy, remember in your prayers the scribe who wrote this book, and his parents and all his family, my father Isaiah, and mother Sarvar, and my brothers /// and Hovhannes, and my elder son /// Amen.
Colophon written later
f. 2v (cursive, 18th century) This Hymnal was donated by Reverend Movses which is Apokqabians (?).
Pen trying, f. 321v (cursive, 18th century) Աղսսց սոցս.
Annotation - 321v (cursive, 18th century) ԱՁ. – First mode / ԱԿ. – First lateral mode/ ԲՁ. – Second mode/ ԲԿ. – Major lateral mode / ԳՁ. – Second mode (It must be Third mode) / ԳԿ. – վաս (It must be Third lateral mode)/ ԴՁ. – Fourth mode / ԴԿ. – (It must be Fourth lateral mode)/ End.
Canon of the Holy and Vivifying Resurrection of Christ
Annot. of the scribe 126vMonday is the Day of Dead Fathers, Say it when it must be said
Saturday is the Day of Saint John the Baptist
Canon of the New Sunday
Annot. of the scribe 134rThis Wednesday is the Annunciation to the Holy Virgin
This Sunday is the day of all martyriums