Manuscript Summary:A not particularly good quality copy of three letters by Ambrose, three chapters from the work De fide contra Arianos by Faustinus, the report (Relatio) by the Roman Prefect Symmachus (about 342-402/403) about the conflict over the altar of Victoria, and the oration of Augustine against the Arians (Contra sermonem Arrianorum) preceded by the oration of the Arians (Sermo Arrianorum). This Codex was produced in the 9th century in the Cloister of St. Gall.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 37.
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Parchment · 113 (112) pp. · 19.5-20 x 14-14.5 cm · 9th century
Sanctus Ambrosius, Contra haereticos, eius Epistolae
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 94, Front cover – Sanctus Ambrosius, Contra haereticos, eius Epistolae (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 37.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pgm.
113 (112) Seiten
Format: 4° min.
Writing and hands:
Von Einer Hand.
S. 2-31[Faustinus Luciferianus: De Trinitate, sive de fide contra Arianos]>Inc. liber sci Ambrosii epi. contra hereticos. David uno lapidis ictu<
Ist Kap. II-IV aus *Faustinus, De fide contra Arrianos ad Flacillam Bibl. PP. max. V von p. 641-647. Zuerst hsgg. von Achilles Statius Rom 1575. 4°; früher auch dem Gregor Ep. Illiber. beigelegt. Unter Ambrosius Namen nach der St. Gallerhs. erwähnt in Opp. Ambr. Ed. Bened. Tom. II praef.
S. 31-82[Aurelius Augustinus: Contra sermonem Arianorum]Arrii disputatio execranda
und von S. 43 an: b. Augustini responsio ad eundem (letztere nur bis Kap. 19 Mitte) Opp. Augustini ed. Migne VIII, p. 677 und 683.
S. 83-90[Ambrosius Mediolanensis: Ep. ad Valentinianum][Etsi superioris legationis meae fides ita approbata sit tibi]>Ambrosius Valentiniano imperatori<
Epist. XXIV. Opp. Ed. Paris. II, p. 888.
S. 91-98[Ambrosius Mediolanensis: Ep. 72 (17)][Cum omnes homines, qui sub ditione Romana sunt] …
imperatori Valentiniano Ambrosius
Ep. XVII. Opp. II, p. 824.
S. 99-106[Symmachus, Quintus Aurelius: Relatio III]>Inc. relatio Symmachi prefecti urbis Romae<
Symmachi Epist. X No. 61. Ed. Parei 1742 p. 440. Bricht ab mit den Worten: provinciae pertulerunt (= p. 832 Zeile 9 von oben in den Opp. Ambrosii II. Ed. Bened.). Vgl. Q. A. Symmachi Relationes Rec. G. Meyer Lips. 1872. 8°.
S. 106-112[Ambrosius Mediolanensis: Ep. 74 (40)][Exercitus semper jugibus fere curis sum] …
imperatori Theodosius
(l. Theodosio) Ambrosius (Epist. XL. Opp. Ambr. II, 946).