St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1719, p. 533 – Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. II: Transfers of saints in the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall, 7th to 17th century
Manuscript Summary:This volume, written almost exclusively in Latin, contains a compilation of texts taken from numerous older sources about transfers of saints in the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall. The St. Gall monk and custos Gregor Schnyder (1642−1708) compiled and wrote the text, mostly in chronological order, and presented it to Abbot Leodegar Bürgisser (abbot 1696−1717) on 19 April 1699, his name day. The illustrations in opaque colors were done by Father Gabriel Hecht (1664−1745). At the beginning there are descriptions of the various transfers of the relics of Saint Gall between about 640 and 1484 (fol. IXv – p. 20) and those of Saint Othmar between 759 and 1692 (pp. 24b−99). This is followed by reports about the transfers of the relics of Notker Balbulus as well as of his beatification in 1513 (pp. 104b−163) and about the dislocation of the relics of Othmar and Notker that was necessitated by the new construction of the church of Othmar (pp. 169−286). Next are reports of donations of relics of various saints from and of the Abbey of St. Gall (pp. 287−354), among them reports about the arrival of the relics of the saints Magnus (898), Constantius of Perugia (904), Remaclus of Stavelot (1035), Faith of Agen (1084), Charles Borromeo (1611), Sigisbert and Placidus from Disentis Abbey (1624) and Bishop Landolo of Treviso (1631), which were particularly revered in the Abbey of St. Gall. The back part of the manuscript contains compilations of documents and reports about the 17th century transfers of Roman catacomb saints to the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall: there are descriptions (including the respective background and festivities) of the transfer of Honoratus to the Abbey Church of St. Gall in 1643 (pp. 367b−453), of Antoninus and Theodorus to the Abbey Church of St. Gall in 1654 and to Neu St. Johann Abbey in 1685 and of Antonius to the Abbey Church of St. Gall in 1654 (pp. 458−507), of Leander to the Capuchin Convent Maria der Engel near Wattwil in 1652 (pp. 508−513), of Marinus to Lichtensteig in 1657 (pp. 518−530), of Theodora to the Cistercian Convent Magdenau in 1662 (pp. 533−539), of Pancratius to Wil in 1672 (pp. 541−571), of Constantius to Rorschach in 1672 (pp. 573−644), of Laureatus to Wildhaus in 1676 (pp. 647−682), and of Sergius, Bacchus, Hyacinthus and Erasmus to the Abbey Church of St. Gall in 1680 (pp. 687–747).(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 507-508.
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Online Since: 09/26/2017
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1719
Paper · 765 pp. · 32 x 20.5 cm · St. Gall Abbey (F. Gregor Schnyder) · 1699
Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. II: Transfers of saints in the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall, 7th to 17th century
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1719, p. 533 – Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. II: Transfers of saints in the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall, 7th to 17th century (
Sacrarium S. Galli
Tom. II: Translationes antiquiores; dem Abt Leodegar dedicirt von Gregorius Schnyder Custos a° 1699.
Berichte von den Uebertragungen oder Recognitionen der Reliquien des h. Gallus (S. 1, aus Arbon), Othmar's (S. 25 aus Stein), Seligsprechung Notker's (S. 105), Reliquiae SS. Patronorum (S. 169, a° 1623-28), Uebertragung Othmar's und Notker's a° 1628 (S. 249), Schenkungen von Reliquien (S. 288), Ankunft der Ueberreste von Constantius, Remaclus, S. Fides, Placidus und Sigisbert, Landolaus (S. 332), des S. Honorat (a° 1643, S. 368), des S. Antonin (a° 1650, S. 458), Uebertragung S. Theodor's von S. Gallen nach S. Johann (S. 500), Recognition S. Leander's im Kl. S. Maria der Engel im Toggenburg a° 1652 (S. 508); S. Marin's zu Lichtensteig a° 1603 (S. 518), der h. Theodora a° 1662 (S. 533); Ankunft der Reste des h. Pancratius aus Rom in Rorschach a° 1674 (S. 541, mit Prospekt von Rorschach in Kupferstich); des h. Constantius ebendaselbst a° 1672 (S. 573, mit einem deutschen Festspiel S. 611 bis 621); des S. Laureatus in Wildhaus a° 1675 (S. 647, mit einem Drama S. 671-682); Recognition der Ueberreste von Sergius, Bachus, Hyacinth und Erasmus a° 1671-1680 (S. 687-747).
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