Documents: 2918, displayed: 2861 - 2880

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. B 115 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 312 pp. · 22 x 16 cm · St. Gall · 18th century
Copies of works on Church history: Councils, Benedictine order

The St. St. Gall monk and cloister librarian P. Hermann Schenk (1653-1706) translated three works from French into Latin in or about the year 1700: the Historia omnium conciliorum generalium by Jean-Baptiste Truillotte and two texts of the famous French monk and scholar Jean Mabillon (1632-1707): Syllabus praecipuarum difficultatum quae in lectione conciliorum et sanctorum patrum occurrunt and Epitome historiae ordinis Sancti Benedicti. (smu)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. B 118 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 95 ff. · 20 x 16 cm · St. Gall · 17th century
Collection of the names of persons from the region near the baronial Abbey of St. Gallen who converted to Catholicism between 1640 and 1697

Collection of the names of persons from the region near the baronial Abbey of St. Gall who converted to Catholicism between 1640 and 1697 (List of Converts), organized by village (primarily those of the Toggenburg and the Rhein valley. (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. B 124 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 436 pp. · 20 x 16 cm · St. Gall · 1655
Chrysostomus Stipplin (?), Introduction to ecclesiastical law

Introduction to ecclesiastical law, (most likely) composed and set into writing in the year 1655 by the St. St. Gall monk Chrysostomus Stipplin (1609-1672). (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. B 131 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 31 ff. · 19 x 15 cm · Constance/St. Gall · around 1706
Register of expenditures, presumably recorded by a finance officer of St. Gall Abbey, ca. 1706.

Interleaved almanac from Constance, containing a register of expenditures by an official from the Abbey of St. Gall, (possibly Gall Anton of Thurn), with entries for specific expenditures for the organ in the Otmar Church of the monastery of St. Gall, for an altar in Goldach, etc., around 1706. (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. B 134 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 247 ff. · 15 x 9.5 cm · St. Gall · 1608
Wunderzeichen, so Maria, die Můter Gottes, zu Sannt Gallen im Münster zur Zeith Abbt Ůlrichs deß VIII., Abbt Gottharts unnd Abbt Francißcen etc. gethon, uß dem alten Original unnd etlichen Zädelin, so ouch darinnen gelëgen, zusamen gebracht, anno 1608.

Catalog of the miracles on the altar of Saint "Maria in Gatter" (St. Mary at the Gate) in the St. Gallen cloister church, from between about 1470 and 1520. Transcription by the St. St. Gall monk P. Jodocus Metzler (1574-1639) from the year 1608. (smu)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 5
Paper · 399 ff. · 38.2 x 27.5 cm · Hagenau · around 1431-1437
"Historienbibel" (IIa)

This richly illustrated “Historienbibel” (history Bible) from the workshop of Diebold Lauber belongs to edition IIa of the text (following Vollmer). For the Old Testament, it contains a prose version of the Weltchronik by Rudolf von Ems; for the New Testament, it contains a prose version of the Marienleben by Bruder Philipp. The cycle of illustrations, richer in comparison to sister-manuscripts, can be attributed to the illuminators of Group A, active in the Lauber workshop during the 1430s. (wal)

Online Since: 04/09/2014

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 10i (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 274 ff. · 43.0 x 30.5 cm · St. Gall · 9th century
Passionarius maior

The St. Gallen Passionarius Maior, or Great Passion, a collection of 92 legends of the saints assembled by monks of St. Gall from the time around 900, supplemented with annotations and glosses by the St. St. Gall monks Notker Balbulus († 912) and Ekkehart IV. († about 1060). (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 12 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 169 ff. · 31.3 x 23 cm · St. Gall · around 820-830
Psalterium Gallicanum with Cantica

The so-called "Zürcher Psalter" (Zurich Psalter) or "St. Galler Psalter" (St. Gallen Psalter), written and decorated in the scriptorum of the monastery of St. Gall, with numerous initial capitals as well as with the oldest extant artistically sophisticated miniature found in the St. Gallen manuscripts, from about 820/830. Includes appended All Saints Litany and computational tables and diagrams. Used daily by the monks in the liturgy of the hours. (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 43 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 316 ff. · 29.8 x 22.5 cm · St. Gall · 9th century
Sacramentarium triplex

The St. Gallen "Sacramentarium triplex" (three part sacramentarium: Sacramentarium Gregorianum, Sacramentarium Gelasianum, Sacramentarium Ambrosianum), which contains texts for the main prayers of the eucharistic liturgy, used by priests when saying Mass on various feast days and memorial days, not only for the Roman and the Roman-Gallic liturgies, but for the Milanese liturgy as well. A scholarly masterwork by the St. St. Gall monks from the tenure of Abbot-Bishop Salomon (890-920). (smu)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 54
Parchment · 60 ff. · 28.5 x 20.5 cm · Nuremberg · around 1472
Schürstab Codex

A facsimile has been published with the title Vom Einfluß der Gestirne auf die Gesundheit und den Charakter des Menschen, emphasizing the most important, astrological aspect of the work. Human beings and the cosmos are closely connected, and the seven planets – Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus, Mercury and the moon – have an immediate effect on people. The manuscript, richly decorated with pictures, was commissioned by Erasmus and Dorothea Schurstab from Nuremberg (1v donation picture with coat of arms and depiction of the Crucifixion on a gold background). In 1774 Johann Jakob Zoller from Baden donated the manuscript to the City Library of Zürich, which was founded in 1629. (ste)

Online Since: 06/09/2011

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 60 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 315 ff. · 26 x 20 cm · St. Gall · around 900-910
Lectionary (Epistles and Gospels)

(Fragmentary manuscript remnant) Elaborate lectionary with the Epistles and Gospel readings for the full church year, written and decorated with prominent initial capitals by contemporaries of Sintram in about 900/910 in the monastery of St. Gall. (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 62 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 236 ff. · 25.6 x 19.7 / 26.2 x 18 / 24 x 19.2 cm · St. Gall · 10th–12th centuries
Composite manuscript

Manuscript compilation containing, among other items, a copy of the epic Thebaïs (the Tales of Thebes) by the Roman poet Publius Papinius Statius († about 95 A.D.), written down and annotated with Scholien (commentaries) in the 11th century in the monastery of St. Gall. The volume also contains copies of two brief grammar texts from the 12th century, together with 10th century copies of computational tables and instructions as well as assorted excerpts from the works of the Venerable Bede († 735), set in writing in the 10th century. (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 74a (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 304 ff. · 25 x 19.7 cm · St. Gall · 10th–11th centuries
Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae Libri XII

One of the most important extant copies of the Institutiones oratoriae (The Art of Rhetoric) by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian († after 96 A.D.). This work, influential to the present day, depicts in twelve books the education of an orator from his earliest youth through to the completion of training; the goal is the development of an unimpeachably ethical orator who places speaking skills at the service of humanity. This St. Gall copy dates from the early 11th century, with glosses and annotations added by, and – in the case of the last few books – also written by the St. St. Gall monk Ekkehart IV († about 1060). (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 77 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 371 ff. · 25.8 x 18.5 cm · St. Gall · around 900-910
Lectionary (Epistles and Gospels)

Elaborate lectionary from the monastery of St. Gall, written and enhanced with numerous ornate initial capitals by a contemporary of the famous St. Gallen scribe Sintram about 900/910, the same scribe who wrote and illuminated Ms. C 60 held by the Central Library of Zurich. This work, also known as the "Liber Comitis", contains the cycle of liturgical Epistle and Gospel readings for the Church year. (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 78 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 162 ff. · 18.5 x 11.5 / 19.5 x 14.1 / 19.7 x 14.2 / 22.5 x 16.5 cm · St. Gall · 9th–15th centuries
Manuscript compilation: Alcuin; theological-canonical treatises; sermons from the 14th and 15th centuries

Manuscript compilation from the monastery of St. Gall containing a number of assorted brief texts from the 9th through 15th centuries. Among other items from the 9th century, this manuscript contains the sole exemplar of a document explaining the reasons for the meeting between King Charlemagne and Pope Leo III, the "Aachener Karlsepos " (Carolingean Epic of Aachen or Paderborn Epic) in 799 as well as another sole exemplar, the so called "Carmina Sangallensia", verses on the wall paintings in the former Gallusmünster (Church of St. Gallus) in the monastery of St. Gall. Further components of this manuscript include theological-canonical treatises as well as sermons from the 14th and 15th centuries. (smu)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 80 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · II + 116 ff. · 24 x 17.5 cm / 23.3 x 16.5 cm / 24 x 18 cm · St. Gall · 9th–13th centuries
Collection of works: Sicardus of Cremona; Alcuin et al.

Manuscript compilation containing texts from the 9th through 13th centuries from the monastery of St. Gall. Among them are important copies of works from Alcuin of York († 804; including De dialectica and De rhetorica et virtutibus). Between the two named texts by Alcuin is a full page pen and ink sketch representing the Maiestas Domini, interpreted by art historian Anton von Euw as a reproduction of the now lost cupola mosaic of the Aachen cathedral. The opening text is a copy of 13th century canonical texts by Bishop Sicardus of Cremona (about 1150-1215; Super decreta). (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 98 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 68 ff. · 18-19.4 x 14 cm · St. Gall · 11th century
Notker Labeo: Rhetorica.

Compilation of numerous Latin writings of the St. St. Gall monk Notker the German († 1022), among them the works Distributio (concerning the boundary between grammar and logic), De dialectica and De rhetorica. Produced in the monastery of St. Gall in the first half of the 11th century. (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 100 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Parchment · 89 ff. · 21.2 x 12.2 cm · St. Gall · 14th century
Gualterus de Castellane: Alexandreis

Paleographically significant copy of the Alexandreis by Walter of Chatillon, produced in the 14th century in the monastery of St. Gall. This long but much-read work by the French theologian Gautier of Chatillon (1135-1201) depicts the life of Alexander the Great in Latin hexameter. The manuscript later served as the basis of an "Edition" by the St. St. Gall monk Athanasius Gugger (1608-1669), entitled "Gualterus de Castellione Phil. Alexandris sive gesta Alexandri magni libris X comprehens ex veteribus manuscriptis bibliothecarum S. Galli", printed in 1659 by the St. Gallen cloister press. (smu)

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 101 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 178 ff. · 21.2 x 14.5 cm · St. Gall · 15th century
Gallus Kemli: Diversarius multarum materiarum (lateinische und deutsche Stücke)

Manuscript compilation by the wandering monk of St. Gallen, Gall Kemli († 1481) with a wide variety of copied texts and original compositions in Latin and German languages (Diversarius multarum materiarum), for instance: recipes for medicines, instructions in liturgical song, exorcism, scribal rules, indulgences, etc. Affixed into the manuscript are twelve colored single page prints from the 15th century, which are valuable–in some cases unique–exemplars in the history of European printing. (smu)

Online Since: 04/26/2007

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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 106 (on long-term loan in the Abbey Library of St. Gall Abbey)
Paper · 279 ff. · 21 x 16 cm · St. Gall · 1523/24
Lectures of Vadian, taken down in writing by Fridolin Sicher

Lectures of the St. Gallen reformer Joachim Vadian from 1523/24: a) on the Lives of the Apostles and, b) on his geographic work Epitome trium terrae habitatae partium, taken down in writing by Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546) of Bischofszell, who worked at the Cloister of St. Gall as calligrapher and church organist. (smu)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Documents: 2918, displayed: 2861 - 2880