Documents: 60, displayed: 41 - 60

Sub-project: Collaborative Projects

January 2010 - June 2011

Status: Completed

Financed by: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (

Description: The main aim of this second Mellon funded project phase was to strengthen the function of e-codices as an international platform for research on manuscripts from Swiss collections. A “call for collaboration” was published on our website in June 2009, in which scholars were invited to suggest manuscripts for digitization. From among more than 150 proposals submitted, our internal evaluation process allowed us to select 60 manuscripts for digitization. Types of collaboration varied greatly, from writing new scholarly manuscript descriptions to developing tools for online manuscript study, to building connections with other virtual manuscript library websites.

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 140
Parchment · 404 pp. · 21 x 15.5 -16 cm · St. Gall · 10th century
Manuscript compilation from the beginning of the 10th century containing assorted short works by Augustine and numerous liturgical tracts

A three-part manuscript compilation, most likely written at the beginning of the 10th century. In the 11th century the monk Ekkehart IV. added numerous marginal and interlinear glosses. The contents of the first part include mostly works by Augustine (letters 214-216 to the Abbot Valentine; De libero arbitrio (On free will); the anti-arian piece Contra Felicianum Arianum de unitate trinitatis; De magistro (On the teacher). The second part contains assorted, mostly shorter, liturgical tracts (such as Ordo ecclesiasticus romanae ecclesiae qualiter missa celebratur; Ordo librorum catholicorum; De vestimentis sacerdotalibus). The third part contains a compilation of short canon law texts. (smu)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 143
Parchment · 168 pp. · 24.2 x 17 cm · St. Gall · first third of the 9th century
Augustinus, De genesi contra Manichaeos

A copy of Augustine's work De genesi contra manichaeos, written in Carolingian minuscule during the first third of the 9th century at the Abbey of St. Gall. The numerous glosses in Latin were added during the 11th century; frequent supposition of their attribution to St. St. Gall monk Ekkehart IV. appears questionable. At the end of the text is an apology by an inexperienced scribe. Original Carolingian binding. (smu)

Online Since: 06/02/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 166
Parchment · 434 pp. · 32 x 24.5 cm · St. Gall · around 850
Fifth volume of a six-volume commentary on the Psalms by St. Augustine

The fifth of a group of originally six volumes containing Augustine's commentary on the Psalms (the sixth volume was missing as early as 1461). Includes some explanatory notes by St. St. Gall monk Ekkehart IV, including two in Old High German. (sno)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 254
Parchment · 256 pp. · 29 x 23 cm · St. Gall · around 860
Jerome, Commentary on the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Includes the most authentic version of the Old English "Death Song" by the Venerable Bede

A redaction by the Anglo-Saxon Joseph Scottus, written in about 860. Appended is the oldest known surviving copy of the letter of Cuthbert, student of the Venerable Bede, to his friend Cuthwin, relating the story of the death of Bede in the year 735. This account incorporates the Old English Death Song by Bede, Fore there neidfaerae ..., in the oldest known version in Bede's own Northumbrian dialect. The manuscript still retains its original Carolingian binding. (smu)

Online Since: 11/04/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 387
Parchment · 984 pp. · 24.5-25 x 16-16.5 cm · St. Gall · second quarter of the 11th century (additions through the 14th century)
Breviary, summer portion (with neumes)

Summer portion (Holy Saturday through the end of the church year) of a breviary written at the Abbey of St. Gall between 1022 and 1047 (with readings, prayers, extracts from homilies, antiphons, responses and hymns for the monastic liturgy of the hours), includes additions made as late as the 14th century. The sung sections include neumes. Preceding materials include a fragment of a collections of homilies, a calendar, and computistical texts and tables. The corresponding winter portion of this breviary is found in Cod. Sang. 413. It is among the oldest surviving breviaries produced at St. Gall. (sno)

Online Since: 11/04/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 406
Paper · 617 pp. · 24.5 x 17 cm · second half of the 15th century

This breviary dating from the second half of the 15th century contains assorted offices of the Proprium de sanctis in two parts as well as the text In dedicatione ecclesiae, a short collection of sermons for the celebration of church dedications (Richard of Saint Victor, Augustine, Eusebius ‹Gallicanus›, Bernard of Clairvaux) and the Creed. This manuscript displays the hand of Cordula von Schönau, the Dominican nun from the cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, whose hand is also found in codex Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 3. (fas)

Online Since: 12/21/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 453
Parchment · A-F + 246 + Y-Z pp. · 31.5/32 x 19.5/20 cm · St. Gall · 12th and 18th centuries
The second-oldest surviving book of the chapter office of the Abbey of St. gall, including, among other items, lists of brothers who joined, the Rule of St. Benedict, a martyrology and death record as well as historical account records

The second-oldest surviving chapter office book of the Abbey of St. Gall, begun in the 12th century and maintained, with the addition of many entries, until early modernity. This volume contains, among other things, lists of the bishops of Constance (736-1318) and the abbots of the cloisters at Reichenau (724-1343) and St. Gall (719-1329), records of brothers who became members of the Abbey of St. Gall, readings and homilies for Sundays and holy days in the chapter assembly of the monchs, a copy of the Rule of St. Benedict, a martyrology complete with death records, tables and explanations for figuring the dates for Easter, and a copy, with continuation, of the St. Gall Annals found in Cod. Sang. 915. At the very back: two printed lists of St. St. Gall monks from 1757 and 1798. (smu)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 479
Paper · 227 ff. · 12.5 x 10 cm · St. Gall · 1483
The German Language Prayer book of Dorotea von Hof

This manuscript of collected items with twelve historiated initials and prayers in the German language was written by Dorothea von Hof (1458-1501), daughter of Heinrich Ehinger and Margarethe von Kappel. The codex contains the Officium parvum BMV as well as assorted prayers (mainly Marian prayers and prayers from the Passion of Christ), the Hundert Betrachtungen ("Hundred Meditations") from the Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit ("Book of Eternal Wisdom") by Henry Suso, and prayers ascribed to Thomas Aquinas. This manuscript on paper, completed in 1483, was presumably owned by the sisters of the Dominican cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, of which Dorothea von Hof is listed as a patroness. (fas)

Online Since: 12/21/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 610
Paper · 521 pp. · 29 x 20.5 cm · 1452-1459
Computistic Texts and Tables; Lives of Saints and Martyrs; Casus sancti Galli etc.

The two main components of this manuscript are the lives of the house saints of St. Gall (Gallus, Otmar, Wiborada and Notker Balbulus) and of the apostles and early Christian saints and martyrs, and the Chronicle of the Abbey of St. Gall, from the Casus sancti Galli by Ratpert (612-883) to the Continuatio by Conradus de Fabaria (1204-1234). St. Gall reformer Vadian added marginal notes, some of them quite detailed and critical, to the text describing the history of the cloister. The codex also contains chronicalistic notes about St. Gall and Switzerland (14th/15th centuries), the Reise in das Heilige Land by Steffan Kapfman, and computistic, medical, astronomical and theological texts. On two previously empty pages (pp. 324-325) St. Gall abbey librarian Idelfons von Arx added four recipes for making faded handwriting legible. (sno)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 676
Parchment · 261 pp. · 24 x 18 cm · Lake Constance region · 1080/1100
Canonical collection manuscript by Bernold von Konstanz

Copies of a variety of canonical texts, written between 1080 and 1100, likely at the Cloister of St. Blaise or the Cloister of Allerheiligen (All Saints) in Schaffhausen by theologian and canonist Bernold von Konstanz or by employees under his supervision. It contains, among other items, copies of the Poenitentiales by Rabanus Maurus ad Heribaldum, the sixth book of the Poenitentiales by Halitgar of Cambrai, excerpts from the Decree of Burchard of Worms, proceedings of the first Christian Councils, the Epitome Hadriani and the Collectio 74 titulorum cum appendice Suevica. (smu)

Online Since: 11/04/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 742
Parchment · 594 pp. · 45-45.5 x 28-29 cm · Italy and France (illumination) · second half of the 13th and second half of the 14th century
Large-format copy of the Decrees issued in 1234 by Pope Gregory IX

A representative copy of the decretals of Pope Gregory IX (Pope 1227-1241) in a Gothic-rotunda script from Italy. The text of the decretals is surrounded on each page by the so-called Glossa Ordinaria, a juridical commentary by the canon law specialist Bernardus de Botone of Parma († 1266), which has been written to encircle the main text. The commentary in turn has been extensively edited and glossed at a later time. Each of the five parts is decorated with a scene portraying its content. (smu)

Online Since: 03/31/2011

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 806
Paper · 420 pp. · 29 x 20 cm · Switzerland (?) · 1500/1550
The St. Gall "Dracula" Manuscript

A composite manuscript consisting mainly of historiographic and hagiographic content. The texts were written between 1450 and 1550, then assembled as a volume in 1573 by St. Gall monk Mauritius Enk. In addition to transmitting an anonymous Dialogus de sectis, numerous legends about the saints in German, portions of the Strassburg Chronicle by Jakob Twinger von Königshofen, as well as records from the Constance Synod of 1491, the manuscript also contains, on pages 283 through 288, without a title and almost seamlessly continuing into the following text, 30 short accounts recorded in about 1500 of the gruesome deeds of the Wallachian Count Vlad III Tepes ("the Impaler", 1431-1476), who as member of the Order of the Dragon also held the title of Dracula. This Dracula text is only transmitted in three other manuscripts: one at the library of Lambach Abbey in upper Austria, one at the British Library in London, and one at the Municipal Library of Colmar in France. (smu)

Online Since: 03/31/2011

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 818
Parchment · 296 pp. · 27 x 19.2 cm · St. Gall · 11th century
Aristotle, Categoriae, De interpretatione; Cicero, Topica, De optimo genere oratorum

A copy of Aristotle's Categoriae (Categories) and De interpretatione (On interpretation) in Latin with commentaries by Boethius, with translation into Old High German and additional commentaries by St. St. Gall monk and teacher Notker the German († 1022); written during the 11th century at the Abbey of St. Gall. In addition, the manuscript includes copies of two works by Cicero, the Topica and De optimo genere oratorum. (smu)

Online Since: 04/15/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 868
Parchment · 205 (206) pp. · 14.5 x 10.5 cm; 9.5 x 7.5 cm; 14.5 x 12 cm · St. Gall · 12th century
Commentary on Horace

An anonymous commentary, written in tiny script (up to 110 lines on pages only 14.5 cm in height) on the odes, epodes, Ars poetica, letters, and sermons of Horace. It is preceded by lives of Horace by Pseudo-Acro and Suetonius as well as, on the very first pages, documents (including one from 1252). The pages at the end contain a commentary on the Satires of Persius, of which the first part is in poor condition. (sno)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 934
Paper · 324 pp. · 15.3 x 11 cm · St. Gall · 15th century (first half to mid-century)
Cloister Rules, Prayers, and Brief Tracts

Parts I, II and IV of a four-part manuscript in German of collected materials containing cloister rules (including the Benedictine Rule), prayers, and short spiritual texts. A comparative study of the script indicates that the volume was written by Benedictine monk Friedrich Kölner (Köllner, Cölner, Colner), who lived at the Abbey of St. Gall between 1429/30 and 1439. Part III, or the model on which it was based, was dedicated to Anna Vogelweider, a sister in the Cistercian women's cloister of Magdenau in Lower Toggenburg, according to an annotation which was later stricken through. This Anna was likely the aunt of a certain Sister Els (Elsbeth?), named in the record of a donation, from the women's community of St. George. (fas)

Online Since: 03/31/2011

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 983
Paper · 367 pp. · 32 x 22.7 cm · St. Gall, St. Leonhard (?) · 1464
Otto von Passau, Die 24 Alten

At the time this work, Die 24 Alten, which was completed in 1386, was written, the Franciscan Otto von Passau was a member of the Minorite convent in Basel. This piece, a form of guide to the Christian life, was widely used in women's convents for reading aloud during meals. This manuscript was written by a swester Endlin, probably at the Franciscan nuns' convent of St. Leonhard in St. Gall. (ber)

Online Since: 11/04/2010

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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1878
Paper · 2 + 482 + 2 pp. · 19.5/20 x 13.5 cm · St. Katharinental near Diessenhofen (?) · around 1400
"Engelberger Predigten" (Engelberg Homilies, earlier also known as "Engelberger Prediger")

A copy of the so-called Engelberger Predigten. Homilies in German for a variety of occasions during the church year, written in about 1400 in a Dominican cloister, possibly at St. Katharinental near Diessenhofen, where the manuscript was held for several centuries. (smu)

Online Since: 06/22/2010

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 3
Paper · 208 ff. · 24 x 17 cm · St. Gall · second half of the 15th century
Breviary with Calendar

This breviary from the second half of the 15th century, written by the Dominican nuns Cordula von Schönau and Verena Gnepser of the cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, contains a calendar as well as the summer portion of the Proprium de tempore (Easter Sunday through the 25th Sunday after the octave of Pentecost), the In dedicatione ecclesiae, the Collectae de sanctis et de communi sanctorum (Tiburtius and Valerian through Dominicus), the Officium commune sanctorum as well as two psalters and a hymnal. In the calendar, which opens the paper manuscript, are some entries in the hand of Verena Gnepser containing the names of relatives. This indicates personal use of this breviary by Verena Gnepser. (fas)

Online Since: 12/21/2010

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M II
Parchment · 224 ff. · 53 x 39 cm · St. Gall, Dominican Convent of St. Katharina (?) · end of the 15th century
Antiphonary (de tempore, pars hiemalis)

This parchment manuscript written about the end of the 15th century, with musical notation and book decoration, contains the Proprium de tempore (Winter portion, First Sunday of Advent through Good Friday). The text breaks off at the bottom of a page in the Good Friday antiphon, at the end of the third Psalm for Lauds. The antiphonary was held by the St. Gall Dominican convent of St. Katharina, where it may also have been written. The same hand also wrote the convent's manuscript containing the summer portion of the antiphonary (Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M III). (fas)

Online Since: 12/21/2010

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M III
Parchment · 219 pp. · 53 x 39 cm · St. Gall, Dominican Convent of St. Katharina (?) · end of the 15th century
Antiphonary (de sanctis, pars aestivalis)

This Antiphonary for the feast days of saints (Proprium de sanctis, Andreas through Dominikus), with the Signature M II, was written by the same hand as the Antiphonary containing the winter portion of the Proprium de Tempore (Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M II). Like M II, this manuscript with musical notation and book decoration was also written about the end of the 15th century, probably at the Dominican convent in St. Gall. (fas)

Online Since: 12/21/2010

Documents: 60, displayed: 41 - 60