2918 documents found | displayed: 401 - 500
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, R IV 2
Parchment and paper · 48 ff. · 21.5-22.2 x 15.5 cm · Ashkenaz · 15th century
Astrological, philosophical and medical miscellany

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 3
Parchment · 209 ff. · 46 x 35 cm · Tours, Abbey St. Martin · around 820-830
Biblia latina (Vulgata), Part 1: Genesis to Psalms

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 4
Parchment · 155 ff. · 46-46.5 x 35.5-36 cm · Tours, Abbey St. Martin · around 820-830
Biblia latina (Vulgata), Part 2: Solomon to Apocalypse (incomplete)

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 9
Parchment · 24 ff. · 42 x 34.5 cm · central- or southern France · beginning of the 11th century
Hrabanus Maurus, Liber de Laudibus Sanctae Crucis

Online Since: 12/20/2012

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 27
Parchment · 331 ff. · 38.5 x 26.5 cm · France (Southern France?) · second half of the 13th century
Bible du XIIIème siècle (Part 1: Genesis – Psalms)

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 28
Parchment · 356 ff. · 35 x 25.5 cm · France · second half of the 13th century
Bible du XIIIème siècle (Part 2: Proverbs – Apocalypse)

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 45
Parchment · I + 60 ff. · 36–36.5 x 25.5 cm · 2nd third of the 9th century
Lucanus: De bello civili; Dracontius: Orestes; Hyginus: De astronomia; Figurae Graecorum

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 85
Parchment · 147 ff. · 27–27.5 x 18 cm · Brittany · second half of the 9th century
Biblia Latina (Vulgata): Evangelia

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 87
Parchment · 18 ff. · 35.5–37 x 28.5 cm · Luxeuil · 1004
(Pseudo-)Boethius: Geometria; Excerpta Agrimensorum Romanorum

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 88
Parchment · 11 ff. · 37 x 28.5 cm · St. Bertin · beginning of the 11th century
Aratus – Germanicus: Phaenomena

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 98
Parchment · 156 ff. · 35 x 26–26.5 cm · France: Lorraine (Metz) · beginning to mid-14th century
Miscellany: Chronique dite de Baudouin d'Avesnes; Brunetto Latini: Livre du Trésor (excerpts); Enseignements moraux et religieux; Plainte de la Vierge; Table de la foi catholique; Pardons du pèlerinage à Rome

Online Since: 09/26/2024

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 113
Parchment · 2 + 291 ff. · 34.5-35 x 24.5-25 cm · Northeastern France · end of the 13th century
Composite Manuscript: Garin le Loherain, Perceval, Chroniques, Parthenopeus de Blois, Durmart le Gaulois etc., French

Online Since: 10/08/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 120.I
Parchment · 93 ff. · 34.5 x 21 cm · ca. 1039 – ca. 1056
Composite manuscript: Ado Viennensis: Chronicon; Aurelius Victor (Pseudo-): Epitome de Caesaribus; Abbo Floriacensis: De gestis Romanorum pontificum, lat.

Online Since: 03/22/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 120.II
Parchment · 55 ff. · 34.5 x 21 cm · ca. 1195 – ca. 1197
Petrus de Ebulo: Liber ad honorem Augusti, lat.

Online Since: 03/22/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 125
Parchment · 287 ff. · 32.5 x 23.5 cm · first half of the 15th century
Marco Polo: Devisement du monde; Jean de Mandeville: Voyages; Jean le Long d'Ypres: Récits de voyages

Online Since: 10/13/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 162
Parchment · 104 ff. · 31.5 x 22 cm · France, Normandy, Saint-Trinité de Fécamp · middle of the 11th century
Augustinus: Opera

Online Since: 04/09/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 165
Parchment · 219 ff. · 32.5 x 24.5 cm · France: Tours, Abbey of Saint-Martin OSB · second quarter of the 9th century
Vergilius: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis / Scholia Turonensia

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 167
Parchment · 214 ff. · 32 x 23-23.5 cm · France: Auxerre or Brittany · second half of the 9th century
Vergilius: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis / Scholia Bernensia

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 172
Parchment · 151 ff. · 31-31.5 x 27.5-28 cm · France: Fleury. vicinity of Paris (Saint-Denis?) (Bischoff) · second quarter of the 9th century
Vergilius: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis / Scholia Bernensia

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 199
Parchment · 140 ff. · 28-29.5 x 23-24.5 cm · France · 8th century, 9th century and 9th-10th century
Gregorius Turonensis: Libri octo miraculorum; in addition: Evangelium Johannis (Fragmentum); Hieronymus: Vita sancti Pauli Thebaei

Online Since: 04/09/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 200
Parchment · VII + 258 + XIII ff. · 30 x 22 cm · Ashkenaz · 1290
Lexicographical and scientific miscellany

Online Since: 12/12/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 207
Parchment · 197 ff. · 29.5-30 x 17-17.5 cm · Fleury (?) · end of 8th / beginning of 9th century
Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum

Online Since: 10/13/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 212
Parchment · 126 ff. · 30 x 21.5 cm · first third of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: artes et carmina

Online Since: 06/13/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 218
Parchment · 103 ff. · 29.5 x 21 cm · France: Ile-de-France (Sens?) · 1371
Guillaume de Machaut, Oeuvres

Online Since: 12/20/2012

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 219
Parchment · 2 + 77 + 2 ff. · 30.5 x 23 cm · France: Fleury; Reims? · 699
Eusebius-Hieronymus: Chronicon

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 224
Parchment · 224 ff. · 30 x 21.5 cm · France · Beginning to 1st third of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: Isidorus: Etymologiae; In libros veteris ac novi Testamenti prooemia; De ortu et obitu patrum; Allegoriae quaedam Sanctae Scripturae; De natura rerum; Differentiae; Cicero (Pseudo-): De proprietate sermonum vel rerum; Glossaria latina etc., lat.

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 231
Parchment · 8 ff. · 31 x 22 cm · France · end of the 13th / beginning of the 14th century
Fragment of a Chansonnier

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 233
Parchment · 13 ff. · 28.5–29 x 17.5–18.5 cm · France: probably Fleury or Micy · first third of the 9th century
Physiologus latinus (versio B)

Online Since: 09/26/2024

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 234
Parchment · 69 ff. · 29.5 x 21.5 cm · Fulda / Reims (?) · second quarter of the 9th century and first third of the 9th century
Cassiodorus, Augustinus, Alcuinus, Audax Grammaticus

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 250
Parchment · 28 ff. · I: 28.5-29 x 22.5-23 cm / II: 27.5-28 x 23 cm · Part I (ff. 1-12): Germany: Seligenstadt; Part II (ff. 13-28): France: Fleury · Part I (f. 1-12): around 836; Part II (f. 13-28): around 1000
Victorinus Aquitanus: Calculus; Abbo Floriacensis: Computus

Online Since: 03/19/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 253
Paper · II + 107 + II ff. · 29-29.2 x 20.7-21 cm‎ · Ashkenaz · 2nd half 15th century
Tur Oraḥ Ḥayim, first book of the Arba'ah Turim by Jacob ben Asher

Online Since: 10/08/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 258
Parchment · 192 ff. · 27.5 x 19.5-20 cm · France · second half of the 9th century
Glossae biblicae; Glossaria latina, lat.

Online Since: 06/23/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 263
Parchment · 165 + 6 ff. · 28 x 18.5 cm · beginning of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: Isidorus: Etymologiae; Lex Romana Visigothorum (= Breviarium Alarici); Glossarium Latino-Hebraico-Graecum

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 264
Parchment · 145 pp. · 27.3/28.3 x 21.5/22 cm · region of Lake Constance · around 900
Prudentius, Carmina

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 306
Parchment · 8 ff. · 28.5 x 23-23.5 cm · France: Fleury · first third of the 11th century
Abbo Floriacensis: Computus; Annales Floriacenses breves

Online Since: 12/18/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 312
Parchment · 159 ff. · 24.5-25.5 x 17-18 cm · first quarter of the 9th century
Isidor von Sevilla: Sententiae, lat.

Online Since: 06/23/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 318
Parchment · 131 ff. · 25.5 x 18 cm · Reims · around 830
Physiologus Bernensis

Online Since: 07/04/2012

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 330
Parchment · 46 ff. · 24–24.5 x 22.5–23 cm · second half of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: Orthography and etymology, Latin

Online Since: 06/25/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 344
Parchment · 143 ff. · 24.5 x 22.5 cm · France: probably Auxerre · end of the 9th / beginning of the 10th century
Florus Lugdunensis: Sententiae epistolarum beati Pauli apostoli a sancto Hieronimo presbitero, denique a beato papa Gregorio expositae

Online Since: 04/09/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 347
Parchment · 41 ff. · 24–24.5 x 22.5–23 cm · second half of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: Macrobius, Plinius, Nonius Marcellus: excerpts, Latin

Online Since: 06/25/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 348
Parchment · 219 ff. · 25 x 20 cm · Fleury · around 820
Biblia Latina (Vulgata): Evangelia

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 354
Parchment · 274 ff. · 23.5-24 x 16.5-17 cm · Northeastern France · middle of the 13th century
Composite Manuscript: Dits et fabliaux, Sept sages de Rome, Perceval, French

Online Since: 10/08/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 357
Parchment · 43 ff. · 24–24.5 x 22.5–23 cm · second half of the 9th century
Composite manuscript: Glossaries; excerpts from classic texts; fragment from Petronius, Latin

Online Since: 06/25/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 359
Parchment · 109 ff. · 24-24.5 x 17.5-18 cm · Italy · 2nd half of the 15th century
Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra, Sefer ha-Yashar

Online Since: 06/13/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 360
Parchment · 12 ff. · 24 x 18 cm · Venice · 1564
The manuscript catalog of Jean Hurault de Boistaillé

Online Since: 08/12/2010

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 366
Parchment · II + 159 ff. · 22.5-23.5 x 20.5-21 cm · second third of the 9th century
Valerius Maximus: Facta et dicta memorabilia

Online Since: 06/23/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 370
Parchment · 179 ff. · 24–24.5 x 18–18.5 cm · end of the 9th century
Commenta Bernensia in Lucanum; Adnotationes super Lucanum

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 388
Parchment · 135 ff. · 22.5–23 x 16–16.5 cm · End of the 13th century/beginning of the 14th century
Composite manuscript: Thierry de Vaucouleurs, Vie de Saint Jean l'évangéliste; Prophéties de Merlin; Sept sages de Rome

Online Since: 10/08/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 389
Parchment · 249 ff. · 23 x 16 cm · France · about 1290-about 1300
Chansonnier français: Trouvère C

Online Since: 12/14/2017

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 402
Paper · 144 ff. · 23.5 x 15.5 cm · Venetia · around 1480-1500
Corpus Theophrasticum; Corpus Aristotelicum

Online Since: 08/12/2010

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 433
Parchment · 79 ff. · 21.5-22 x 17.5-18 cm · 2nd third of the 9th century
Cicero (Pseudo-): Rhetorica ad Herennium; Catalogus librorum

Online Since: 10/08/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 451
Parchment · 145 ff. · 21.5 x 21 cm · Part I (f. 1–8): around 869; Part II (f. 9–147): 2nd third of the 9th century
False decretals; Curtius Rufus: Historia Alexandri; Notitia provinciarum Galliae; Laterculus provinciarum; Notitia locorum urbis Romae; excerpts from Curtius Rufus.

Online Since: 10/08/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 459
Paper · 96 ff. · 21-21.5 x 15.5-160; 21.5 x 15; 21.5 x 15.5 · Paris; Padua · second third of the 16th century and 1552 and second half of the 16th century

Online Since: 08/12/2010

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 596
Paper · 240 ff. · 20 x 14.5 cm · around 1540
Anonymum Byzantinum chronicon

Online Since: 08/12/2010

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 611
Parchment · 153 ff. · 18-19 x 14-14.5 cm · France: Bourges · first third of the 8th century (Palimpsests 5th and 7th century)
Composite manuscript: Merovingian excerpts from grammatical, patristic, computistic and medical works

Online Since: 03/17/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 703
Paper · 104 ff. · 13.5 x 9 cm · Paris (parts A and B) · end of the 15th century and last quarter of the 15th century
Prayers and liturgical pieces from Orient and Occident

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 719
Paper · 49 ff. · 21 x 14.5 cm · completed 1413
Composite manuscript: medicine; instructions and recipes; Ibn al-Gazzar: Tibb al-fuqara, Arabic, Hebrew

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 720.1
Parchment · 2 ff. · 33 x 22 cm · France/Germany (?) · 10th / 11th century
Annales Fuldenses (fragment)

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 722.1
Parchment · 6 ff. · 21 x 13.5 cm · Bavaria or Austria · 2nd half of the 12th century / 1st half of the 13th century
Glossary of plants, Summarium Heinrici (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 722.2
Parchment · 1 f. · 28 x 18 cm · Germany? · 11th century
Solinus, Gaius Julius: Collectanea rerum memorabilium (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 722.3
Parchment · 2 ff. · 21.5 x 17.5 cm · Fulda · second quarter of the 9th century
Cetius Faventinus: Artis architectonicae privatis usibus adbreviatus liber (fragment)

Online Since: 09/23/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 722.4
Parchment · 2 ff. · 19 x 17.5 cm · Germany? · 12th / 13th century
Constantinus Africanus: Viaticus (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 749.8
Parchment · 1 f. · 34.5 x 20.5 cm · Switzerland · 2nd half of the 15th century
Love letter (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.9
Parchment · 4 ff. · 20.5 x 16 cm · Central Switzerland? · 10th century
Gregorius Magnus: Regula pastoralis (fragment)

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.100
Parchment · 2 ff. · 32 x 23 cm · France (Northern?) · middle of the 12th century
Gregorius Magnus: Moralia in Hiob (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.23
Parchment · 1 f. · 26 x 13.5 cm · Germany? · 9th/10th century
Biblia latina: Vulgata (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.27
Parchment · 2 ff. · 20 x 10.5-11 cm · Switzerland: Lucerne or Einsiedeln? · 12th century
Publicus Papinius Statius: Thebais (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.39
Parchment · 1 f. · 36 x 23 cm · Northern Italy? · 9th century
Gregorius Magnus: Moralia in Hiob (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.40
Parchment · 2 ff. · 19 x 14.5 / 18 x 13.5 cm · Southern Germany · end of the 13th / 14th century
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Willehalm

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.47
Parchment · 2 ff. · 23 x 20.5 cm · Upper Rhine/Switzerland · 12th century
Ambrosius Mediolanensis: Hexameron (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.50
Parchment · 1 f. · 41 x 31 cm · Germany · end of the 13th/beginning of the 14th century
Gregorius Magnus: Moralia in Hiob (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.51
Parchment · 1 f. · 32 x 23 cm · Alsace: Murbach? · second quarter of the 9th century
Gregorius Magnus: Homiliae in Ezechielem (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.52
Parchment · 1 f. · 26 x 18 cm · France · end of the 11th/beginning of the 12th century
Pelagius I: Epistolae (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.53
Parchment · 1 f. · 33 x 18.5 cm · Germany? · end of the 12th/beginning of the 13th century
Flavius Josephus: Antiquitates Iudaicae (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.54
Parchment · 1 f. · 28.5 x 21 cm · Eastern France? · 2nd half of the 9th century
Biblia latina (Vulgata): Evangelium secundum Marcum (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.55
Parchment · 1 f. · 33 x 24.5 cm · Germany or France (?) · 13th/14th century
Gregorius Magnus: Moralia in Hiob (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.56
Parchment · 1 f. · 35 x 28 cm · Southern France/ Northern Italy · 2nd half of the 10th century
Collection of homilies (Fragment)

Online Since: 07/14/2021

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.57
Parchment · 1 f. · 34 x 28 cm · Southern France/ Northern Italy · 2nd half of the 10th century
Collection of homilies (Fragment)

Online Since: 07/14/2021

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.58
Parchment · 3 ff. · 30.5 x 21.5 cm · Germany · end of the 10th/beginning of the 11th century
Clemens Romanus: Recognitiones (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.59
Parchment · 1 f. · 46 x 32 cm · France, Tours · early 9th century
Biblia latina: Vulgata, recensio Alcuini (fragment)

Online Since: 12/12/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.60
Parchment · 14 ff. · 34.5–35 x 28.5–29 cm · Southern France/ Northern Italy · 2nd half of the 10th century
Collection of homilies (Fragment)

Online Since: 07/14/2021

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.61
Parchment · 8 ff. · 33.5–34 x 27 cm · Southern France/ Northern Italy · 2nd half of the 10th century
Collection of homilies (Fragment)

Online Since: 07/14/2021

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.64
Parchment · 4 ff. · 24.5-26.5 x 19.5-21 cm · 2nd half of the 9th century / 1st half of the 10th century
Priscian: Institutiones grammaticae (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.66
Parchment · 3 ff. · 17.5 x 26.5; 19 x 38; 17 x 14.5 cm · 1538-1569
Manuscript waste from Cod. 120

Online Since: 03/22/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.69
Parchment · 1 f. · 29 x 19 cm; 29 x 22.5 cm · France · around 1439
Transcription of a document (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.70
Parchment · 9 ff. · 33-34 x 25.5-26.5 cm · France: Tours · early 9th century
Biblia latina: Vulgata, recensio Alcuini (fragment)

Online Since: 12/12/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.71
Parchment · 2 ff. · 26.5 x 33.5/31.5 cm · France, Tours · early 9th century
Biblia latina: Vulgata, recensio Alcuini (fragment)

Online Since: 12/12/2019

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.72
Parchment · 1 f. · 13 x 31 cm · 1580-1590
French notarial document (manuscript waste as binding of Cod. 172)

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.77
Parchment · 2 ff. · 32.5 x 21 cm · Germany · 10th century
Gregorius Magnus: Homiliae in Ezechielem (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.78
Parchment · 2 ff. · 26 x 13 cm · Southern Germany · beginning of the 14th century
Ulrich von dem Türlin: Arabel (fragment)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.84
Parchment · 2 ff. · 37 x 24.5 cm; 34.5 x 25 cm · 15th century
Plenarium (Fragment)

Online Since: 06/23/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.86
Parchment · 1 f. · 33.5 x 31.5 cm · Switzerland: Engelberg? · beginning of the 13th century
Liber Officii et Missae (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.95
Parchment · 1 f. · 17 x 27 cm · Switzerland: Engelberg · around 1200
Flavius Josephus: Antiquitates Iudaicae (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.98
Parchment · 1 f. · 36 x 23 cm · France: Strasbourg area · 10th/11th century
Utho Argentinensis: Vita sancti Arbogasti (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.99
Parchment · 2 ff. · 24 x 20 cm · France: central Loire area · second third of the 9th century
Hrabanus Maurus: Commentarius in Evangelii Matthaei [excerpts in Tironian notes] (fragment)

Online Since: 07/02/2020

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 803
Parchment · 1 f. · 597 x 13-13.5 cm · Alsace: probably Murbach Abbey · end of the 11th / beginning of the 12th century
Rotulus von Mülinen: Recipes, incantations, blessings, De taxone liber; alphabetical glossary of plants

Online Since: 03/17/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 847.9
Parchment · 2 ff. · 21 x 23.5 cm · 1571
Notarial document (fragment)

Online Since: 03/17/2016

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 9
Parchment · 329 ff. · 44.5 x 35 cm · France, Vienne · late 10th century / early 11th century
Biblia latina (Vulgata)

Online Since: 04/09/2014

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 45
Paper · 159 ff. · 30 x 22 cm · Königsfelden · 1479-1482
Österreichische Chronik der 95 Herrschaften

Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.1
Parchment · 2 ff. · 36 x 26 cm · France · 12th century
Gregorius Magnus: Homiliae in Evangelia (Fragment)

Online Since: 07/12/2021